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You’re a Fake Princess

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You’re a Fake Princess

SNL host Emma Stone took aim at on Saturday Night Live, showering praise on .

The SNL skit left Meg fuming as Emma Stone labeled her a fake princess while lauding Kate.

Emma Stone didn't mince words when she dubbed a phony princess on SNL, contrasting her with the genuine grace of .

The Oscar-winning actress and SNL host on December 2nd, 2023, let loose her disdain for Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, in a comedic sketch that poked fun at the former actress' royal persona.

Stone, a professed admirer of the British monarchy, painted Markle as a sham who wed solely for his fame and fortune.

In contrast, she hailed Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, as a true exemplar of princess-like qualities, deserving of admiration and respect.

The skit, titled “The Royal Housewives of Buckingham Palace,” featured Emma Stone as Markle, Kate McKinnon as Middleton, Cecily Strong as Parker Bowles, Aidy Bryant as , and Bowen Yang as .

The parody mimicked the drama and conflicts seen in the popular reality TV show “The Royal Housewives,” with the royal ladies engaging in petty squabbles and gossip.

Stone's portrayal of Markle was a central figure in the comedic chaos, boasting about her opulent lifestyle, influential connections, and global impact.

She didn't hold back in throwing shade at Middleton, accusing her of envy and dullness.

In one memorable moment, Stone's Markle introduced herself as “Duchess Meghan of Sussex” but insisted on being called “Princess Meghan.”

Flaunting a massive diamond ring, she humorously claimed it possessed its own gravitational pull.

Boasting of her global fame and support from millions of fans, Markle name-dropped her supposed besties Oprah, Beyonce, and Barack Obama.

She exaggerated her humanitarian efforts, declaring herself the savior of world issues like hunger, climate change, and racism.

Disparaging Middleton as bland and uninteresting, Markle mocked her style, personality, and marriage to a bald prince.

Kate McKinnon's Middleton confronted Stone's Markle, denouncing her as a fraudulent princess who tarnished the royal family's reputation.

The sketch culminated in a comedic showdown between Markle and Middleton, cheered on by the other royal characters.

The audience erupted in laughter and applause, with online fans commending Emma Stone's performance and wit.

Social media buzzed with praise for Stone's portrayal of Markle, with many viewers lauding her for exposing what they perceived as Markle's shortcomings and pretensions.

Emma Stone's comedic takedown of Megan Markle on SNL struck a chord with audiences, earning her accolades for her bold and humorous performance.

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