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**WME Cancels Deal with Megan After 9-Month Losses; Harry Signs New Deal with CAA**

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**WME Cancels Deal with Megan After 9-Month Losses; Harry Signs New Deal with CAA**

In a sudden turn of events, talent agency WME has decided to terminate its deal with Megan after months of financial losses, while her husband Harry has inked a new agreement with CAA.

It has been nearly five months since Megan joined WME, yet the agency has struggled to secure any substantial job opportunities or lucrative merchandising deals with A-list companies for her.

Instead, all they have managed to achieve is generate superficial publicity through staged appearances and photo ops in mundane settings.

The WME board recently convened urgent meetings where they came to the realization that Megan's representation was proving to be a colossal blunder for the agency.

Her association with WME has become a source of embarrassment rather than pride, hindering their ability to make significant progress in the industry.

Megan's presence has become a deterrent, as high-profile individuals are reluctant to be associated with her.

Despite joining WME in January, the lack of tangible outcomes even after the deal announcement in April has raised concerns, marking almost nine months of unfruitful partnership.

During discussions with packaging agents, it became evident that there was minimal interest in representing Megan, who is commonly referred to as the Duchess of Sussex.

Some industry insiders have suggested that Megan needs to first establish credibility within Hollywood before aspiring to appeal to a broader audience.

Moreover, rumors have circulated that powerful figures within Hollywood have actively worked against Megan, leading to her being blacklisted by influential individuals.

This alleged blacklist may have contributed to the diminishing support from prominent personalities like .

While Megan's collaboration with WME faced setbacks, her husband Harry took a different route by securing a new deal with CAA.

Speculations arose when Harry began engaging in activities that hinted at a potential switch in his public relations representation.

Notably, CAA, led by industry titan Michael Ovitz, boasts a roster of elite clientele including Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg, George Clooney, and Meryl Streep.

With Harry's royal lineage and status, he is anticipated to explore various opportunities within the entertainment realm, with CAA emerging as a promising avenue for his future endeavors.

The evolving dynamics between the Sussexes have fueled speculations of marital discord and potential separation, especially as Megan's ties to the British royal family may be jeopardized if she chooses to part ways with Harry.

Despite the couple's efforts to carve out a unique path forward, doubts persist regarding the authenticity of their relationship, with many questioning the depth of their bond.

Their shared experiences of adversity, alleged conflicts, and public controversies have solidified a sense of unity between them, leading to a narrative of ‘us against the world' mentality as they navigate through the challenges of public scrutiny and personal choices.

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