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Unforgivable Lawsuit: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Owe 78,500 Pounds to Charity

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Unforgivable Lawsuit: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Owe 78,500 Pounds to Charity

Unforgivable, a legal action has been taken against a mega cluster for allegedly diverting charity funds to settle a substantial podcast debt.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and , are still in debt to the tune of 78,500 pounds owed to a charity as their MWX foundation, previously known as Sussex Royal, faces liquidation, severing their final connection to the UK.

Documents released today disclosed that despite efforts to wind up MWX and clear all debts within a year, a significant sum remains unpaid.

According to the latest reports, a creditor has claimed 213,000 pounds from the foundation, out of which 134,500 pounds have been settled, leaving the outstanding balance at 78,500 pounds.

The delay in payment may be attributed to an investigation by the charity commission, which has now been concluded.

The probe examined fund transfers to Travelist, a private company partly owned by , and determined that the transactions were compliant with charity laws.

The Duke and Duchess have inked lucrative deals with streaming giants Netflix and Spotify, as well as publishers, following their decision to step back from royal duties.

This has led to speculation that they may cover the remaining debt from their personal finances if necessary.

Representatives for the Sussexes have been contacted for confirmation on when the overdue sum will be settled, but no response has been received yet.

In addition to the outstanding charity debt, Meghan and Harry are facing expenses amounting to 36,000 pounds related to the closure of their short-lived foundation.

The couple established Sussex Royal in 2019 but had to rebrand it as MWX Foundation after being advised against using their royal titles for commercial ventures.

Liquidators appointed by the couple have unveiled financial details, including funds held in accounts and payments to legal and financial advisors.

Meanwhile, is under scrutiny for her Spotify podcast Archetypes, where she discussed ambition with tennis star Serena Williams.

Royal commentator Dr. Todd Grand has accused Meghan of seeking revenge against the Royal Family through her podcast themes, suggesting that the choice of topics reflects a desire to retaliate against critics.

Grand claims that Meghan's podcast is a platform for settling scores and addressing criticisms leveled against her.

Archetypes forms part of the content offerings under Meghan and Prince Harry's deals with Spotify and Netflix, as the couple continues to explore new avenues beyond their royal obligations.

The ongoing financial obligations and legal proceedings surrounding their foundation highlight the complexities of transitioning from royal life to independent ventures.

Despite the challenges, the Duke and Duchess remain committed to their philanthropic endeavors and media projects as they carve out a new path for themselves in the public eye.

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