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U.S. Navy Sanctions Meghan and Harry for Exploiting Veterans Day

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U.S. Navy Sanctions Meghan and Harry for Exploiting Veterans Day

and are facing backlash once again, this time from the U.S. Navy, for their recent actions on Veterans Day.

The royal couple found themselves in hot water after crashing the opening ceremony of a fitness center dedicated to veterans at the Naval Medical Center San Diego.

The state-of-the-art facility offers vital physical therapy and rehabilitation services for wounded, ill, and injured service members.

On November 11, Veterans Day, an esteemed ribbon-cutting ceremony was held at the fitness center, graced by Navy officials, veterans, and their families.

However, the event took an unexpected turn when Meghan and Harry made a surprise appearance, uninvited and unannounced.

Despite claiming to show support and appreciation for the veterans, their presence was perceived as a self-serving attempt to seize the spotlight.

In response to the intrusion, the Navy released a statement emphasizing that the opening ceremony was an exclusive gathering meant for the Navy community and the veterans benefiting from the center's services.

Meghan and Harry's unauthorized attendance not only breached security protocols but also disregarded the established social distancing measures in place.

Their disruptive behavior was seen as disrespectful to the dignified celebration taking place.

The repercussions of their actions were swift, with the Navy imposing formal sanctions on the couple for their misconduct.

They were instructed to remove any images or videos related to the event from their social media platforms and websites.

Furthermore, the Navy questioned the sincerity of Meghan and Harry's supposed tribute to the veterans, highlighting their failure to adhere to essential protocols during the visit.

One glaring oversight was the absence of masks, mandatory for entry into the fitness center, indicating a lack of regard for safety measures.

Rather than engaging with the veterans or staff present, Meghan and Harry opted for staged photo opportunities with the fitness equipment and the center's commemorative plaque.

Their focus appeared to be on garnering public attention and sympathy, rather than genuinely honoring the sacrifices of the veterans.

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