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**Tyler Perry Declines Royal Godfather Role for Lilibet: A Hollywood Snub**

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**Tyler Perry Declines Royal Godfather Role for Lilibet: A Hollywood Snub**

The Markles of Montecito find themselves excluded from Hollywood circles, notably missing from the recent Oprah celebration.

The fear of becoming fodder for a potential Markle tell-all book or a Netflix mockumentary has led to their social ostracization.

Even prominent figures like Courtney Cox and Beyoncé were absent from the guest list, emphasizing the growing distance between the Markle family and the entertainment industry.

While wisely turned down the role of godmother, Tyler Perry stepped in to be 's godfather.

The decision was made without much fanfare, as and Meghan reached out to Perry shortly after the birth of .

The conversation between the trio was marked by an unusual tension, prompting Perry to inquire about the underlying reasons behind their request.

Traditionally, royal family members do not choose celebrities as godparents.

However, and Meghan have a history of defying conventions, as seen when they kept 's godparents' identities private.

In selecting Perry, they aimed to ensure a positive influence on Lilibet's life, disregarding the usual protocols associated with such appointments.

Initially taken aback by the offer, Perry's astonishment was evident in his response, a simple “woah.”

Nevertheless, after reflecting on the significance of the role, he expressed his deep honor and willingness to accept, stating, “I'd be honored, absolutely honored.”

This decision meant committing to a lifelong relationship with Lilibet, offering guidance and support throughout her journey to adulthood.

As the reality of the responsibilities tied to being a royal godfather sank in, Perry pondered the logistics of participating in a formal ceremony in the UK.

Concerned about the implications of such a commitment, he sought clarification from Prince Harry and Meghan regarding the necessity of attending a church baptism with the royal family present.

Proposing a more convenient alternative, Perry suggested a private ceremony in the US as a substitute for the traditional British affair.

His reluctance to engage in the elaborate customs associated with royal events underscored his desire for a more relaxed approach to his role as godfather.

Although the status of Lilibet's christening remains uncertain, Perry's reluctance to partake in a formal church ceremony has raised doubts about the authenticity of his godfather title.

Refusing to conform to traditional expectations, Perry seems content with the role of an affectionate family member rather than a formal godparent.

The decision to involve Perry in Lilibet's life has sparked debates about the appropriateness of selecting godparents based on celebrity status rather than spiritual guidance.

Critics argue that the gesture undermines the sanctity of the role, turning it into a mere association with Hollywood glamour rather than a commitment to nurturing the child's faith.

In conclusion, Tyler Perry's unconventional acceptance of the godfather role for Lilibet highlights the evolving dynamics within the royal family's inner circle.

The intersection of celebrity culture and royal traditions raises questions about the true essence of godparenting and the responsibilities it entails in shaping a child's upbringing.

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