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Trespasser Arrested at Windsor Castle During Royal Stay

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Trespasser Arrested at Windsor Castle During Royal Stay

In a startling incident at Windsor Castle, a trespasser was apprehended while and Queen were reportedly on the premises.

The arrest took place on Tuesday night, February 20, around 10 PM, when the 39-year-old man was spotted wandering through the castle grounds.

The police acted swiftly, confirming that he was taken into custody for trespassing.

Authorities have revealed that the individual was detained under the Mental Health Act.

While it's claimed that the royal couple was present during the incident, Buckingham Palace aides have not officially verified this information.

Nonetheless, the presence of the King and Queen certainly adds a layer of seriousness to the situation.

Just hours after the trespasser was arrested, the Prince of Wales resumed his royal duties at the castle on Wednesday morning.

Meanwhile, was engaged in a meeting with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at Buckingham Palace, demonstrating that life continues as usual for the royals despite the disruption.

A spokesperson from the Metropolitan Police provided further details, stating that officers arrested the man on suspicion of trespassing.

Fortunately, there were no weapons involved, and the intruder appeared to be acting alone.

A thorough search of the grounds confirmed that no additional individuals were present during the incident.

The trespasser was discovered in the private gardens of the King, raising concerns about security at one of the most famous royal residences.

This incident is not an isolated case; Windsor Castle has seen its share of high-profile breaches in the past.

For instance, back in December 2021, Josswad Singh Cheel was arrested after he managed to access the grounds while II and other family members were in residence.

Cheel's escapade was particularly alarming as he had meticulously planned his intrusion, even discussing it with a fake girlfriend and sending secret emails.

He roamed the castle grounds for two hours before law enforcement intervened.

Ultimately, he was sentenced to a combined order, which means he will transition from Broadmoor Maximum Security Hospital to prison once his condition improves.

These incidents raise questions about security protocols at royal residences.

With the ongoing public interest in the British monarchy, ensuring the safety of both the royals and the public has never been more critical.

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