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's New Book ‘The Bench' Faces Criticism While 's ‘Hold Still' Soars in Sales

, also known as the Duchess of Sussex, recently released her new book titled ‘The Bench,' inspired by her husband and their son, .

The idea for the book stemmed from a poem Meghan wrote for on Father's Day.

Today, the book made its debut, but it has not been well-received in terms of sales, failing to secure a spot in Amazon's top 200 bestsellers, landing at position 204 on the charts and 60 in the category of bestselling children's books.

Critics have not held back in expressing their disapproval of ‘The Bench.'

Clare Allfrey, a critic from The Telegraph, described the book as a collection of poorly rhyming cod homilies that defy grammar.

She questioned the decision of any publisher to release such a work and doubted its appeal to children.

Allfrey further commented on the portrayal of Prince Harry in the book, highlighting how Meghan is depicted as the one taking charge and making strides while Harry is portrayed as merely sitting on a bench.

Alex Connell from The Times labeled ‘The Bench' as a self-help guide for parents in need, criticizing its lack of action and suspense.

The narrative was deemed unengaging, leading Connell to humorously suggest that a piece of furniture could have been the author instead.

The book faced additional backlash on Amazon, with numerous one-star reviews criticizing its dullness and lack of child appeal.

Reviewers highlighted the story's heavy reliance on Meghan's personal life, suggesting it would have been better kept as a private family project rather than a published work.

In stark contrast to Meghan's book, , the Duchess of Cambridge, recently launched her own project, ‘Hold Still,' a collection of photographs.

The book quickly rose to the top of the bestseller list upon its release, becoming the second highest-selling title on Amazon.

‘Hold Still' features 100 poignant portraits selected from over 31,000 submissions, capturing moments that define the nation in the year 2020.

Despite Meghan's book facing criticism, Kate's ‘Hold Still' continues to maintain its popularity, currently holding the 113th spot among overall bestsellers.

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