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**Thomas Markle Reveals Meghan’s Infertility in Pre-Coronation Interview**

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**Thomas Markle Reveals Meghan’s Infertility in Pre-Coronation Interview**

In a preview for an upcoming interview with Australia's 7 News Spotlight, Thomas Markle, the estranged father of , has disclosed his daughter's infertility through leaked medical records just days before the King's coronation.

A source reveals that the saga of the Sussexes continues to baffle many.

Thomas Markle has expressed frustration over what he perceives as his daughter's fabrications and theatrics regarding his grandchildren.

He confided in a close acquaintance that Meghan's infertility stemmed from her lifestyle, which allegedly involved promiscuity and a lack of stability.

He firmly believes that she is incapable of bearing children, a claim that defies medical logic.

Upon learning of Meghan's pregnancy with following her marriage to , Thomas Markle initially assumed that the royal family had sought top-notch medical care for his daughter.

His initial joy quickly dissipated as years passed without him meeting his grandchildren, and .

This led him to contemplate revealing the truth.

While this information remains undisclosed to the public, Mr. Thomas Markle is poised to discuss this bombshell revelation on a Spotify podcast.

The question arises: Should he be commended for exposing what he views as Meghan's deceit?

The situation highlights a stark contrast to the beloved Harry of the past, now seemingly embroiled in a contentious dynamic with Meghan.

The prospect of a messy fallout looms large, especially concerning potential financial settlements and custody arrangements if their marriage were to dissolve.

The repercussions of such a development could potentially eclipse the tumultuous divorce between Charles and Diana in the 1990s.

The question arises: Does Harry truly desire to subject his children, if they indeed exist, to the same scrutiny and turmoil he and his brother endured?

Adding to the intrigue, it has been revealed that declined 's offer to capture the first photos of Archie.

Despite Kate's gesture of goodwill, Meghan opted for other arrangements, leaving many puzzled about her decision.

Speculation abounds regarding Meghan's actions, with some attributing her choices to her upbringing and perceived lack of maternal instinct.

Lady C has hinted at a possible legal separation between the Sussexes, though concrete evidence remains elusive.

The complex web of relationships and dynamics within the royal family continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

Meghan Markle's lineage traces back to her mother, Doria Ragland, a yoga instructor and social worker residing in Los Angeles, and her father, Thomas Markle, a former lighting director based in Mexico.

While Meghan shared a close bond with her father during her formative years, their relationship has since soured, reflecting the intricate tapestry of familial ties and personal histories within the royal sphere.

The ongoing saga surrounding the Sussexes underscores the enduring fascination with royalty and the intricacies of their private lives.

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