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**Thomas Markle Reveals Explosive Truths in New Documentary**

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**Thomas Markle Reveals Explosive Truths in New Documentary**

Thomas Markle, the estranged father of , has made shocking claims in a recent documentary, “Thomas Markle My Story,” where he expressed his belief that the royal family owes him for everything he's been through.

In a series of interviews with Britain's Channel 5 spanning six days in October, the 75-year-old revealed startling details, including his motivations behind staging paparazzi photos before Meghan's 2018 wedding to .

Markle disclosed that he felt misrepresented by the media and sought to change his public image through the staged photos.

He admitted to being approached by a man named Jeff Reiner, who assured him that the pictures would appear candid and genuine, aimed at improving his public perception.

Despite claiming that he didn't do it for financial gain, Markle acknowledged that he continues to profit from the images.

Furthermore, Markle expressed his willingness to exploit his connection to the royals for financial gain, stating, “I don't care.

I mean at this point they owe me.”

He emphasized that his daughter had promised to take care of him in his senior years, a pledge he now expects to be fulfilled.

Markle also revealed his mixed emotions regarding Prince Charles walking Meghan down the aisle, admitting to feeling jealous and emotional about not being able to fulfill that role himself.

In addition to his revelations, Markle opened up about his efforts to reconcile with Meghan, detailing his attempts to initiate communication with her and .

He also addressed his decision to publish a letter from Meghan following her wedding, a move that led to controversy and legal disputes with British tabloids.

Markle defended his actions, claiming he felt compelled to share part of the letter in response to accusations made against him.

Markle's candid remarks extended to his thoughts on his grandson, , sharing his hopes that the child inherited his nose to maintain a visible connection to him.

He also humorously mentioned the peculiar range of Sussex-themed merchandise he has come across, including a rumored appearance on a pack of condoms, adding a lighthearted touch to the otherwise serious discourse.

Moreover, Markle disputed Meghan's assertion that she independently financed her education at Northwestern University, asserting that he contributed significantly to her college expenses.

He expressed hurt over feeling disregarded and erased from Meghan's narrative, highlighting the emotional toll of their strained relationship.

Despite the complexities of their familial dynamics, Markle expressed doubt about the possibility of reuniting with Meghan and Harry, suggesting that their interactions may be limited to somber occasions in the future.

His revelations in the documentary shed light on the intricate web of relationships within the royal family and the enduring impact of personal choices on familial bonds.

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