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The Royal Reason Prince William and Kate will be dining separately on Christmas Day

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The Royal Reason Prince William and Kate will be dining separately on Christmas Day

The festive season is fast approaching, and all eyes are on the British Royal Family as they prepare for their annual Christmas gathering at Sandringham.

However, a peculiar tradition will see and Kate dining separately on Christmas Day, adding an intriguing twist to the royal celebrations.

According to reports, while the Prince and Princess of Wales will join the rest of the Royal Family for Christmas lunch, they will start their day with separate breakfasts.

The Mirror reveals that it is customary for men and women to have their morning meal apart, setting the stage for a unique start to the day's festivities.

On the morning of Christmas Day, the Royal Family will convene for breakfast at 9 am before heading to St. Mary Magdalene Church for the 11 am service.

This tradition, passed down through generations, sees the male royals gathering in the dining room for a hearty breakfast, while the ladies opt for a lighter meal served in their bedrooms.

Former royal chef Darren McGrady shed light on this intriguing custom, explaining that the separation allows the women more time to prepare themselves for the highly anticipated church service, which is often captured by photographers.

The men, on the other hand, indulge in a substantial breakfast to fuel them for the day ahead.

As the day progresses, the royals come together for pre-lunch drinks, marking the start of the festive celebrations.

The afternoon tea on Christmas Eve serves as the first official gathering before the main events of Christmas Day unfold, featuring a delectable spread of cakes, scones, sandwiches, and tea.

While most members of the Royal Family are expected to adhere to these time-honored traditions, speculation surrounds the attendance of and Meghan.

Rumors suggest that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, along with their children, were considering spending the holiday season in the UK, potentially reuniting with the royal family after several years.

The anticipation builds as the royals prepare for a Christmas filled with cherished customs and moments of togetherness.

Despite the unique practice of separate breakfasts, the spirit of unity and tradition will undoubtedly prevail as the Royal Family gathers to celebrate the joyous occasion at Sandringham.

In the midst of festive preparations and age-old rituals, the royal household remains a beacon of tradition and elegance, captivating audiences worldwide with their timeless customs and regal gatherings.

As Christmas draws near, the world eagerly awaits the unfolding of yet another chapter in the illustrious history of the British monarchy.

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