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The Royal Family’s Inner Circle: Meet the Key Players in George, Charlotte, and Louis’ Lives

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The Royal Family’s Inner Circle: Meet the Key Players in George, Charlotte, and Louis’ Lives

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are not navigating royal life alone.

They have a tight-knit group of friends and family who have been with them since their school days.

This circle is crucial to their lives, especially when it comes to raising their three children: Prince George, , and .

Among the most trusted members of this inner circle are those who have been honored with the role of godparents to the royal children.

This recognition speaks volumes about the relationships the couple cherishes.

Alongside these friends, 's parents, Carole and Michael, play an essential role in the family's daily life.

Their influence is felt deeply, especially with the family's impending move to the Windsor Estate in Berkshire, which will allow for even more family time.

Carole Middleton has often been praised for her parenting skills.

She and her husband built a successful party planning business, becoming self-made millionaires.

Their journey to success has afforded them the opportunity to provide their children with every advantage.

Carole's involvement in her grandchildren's lives is significant; she has stepped in during times of need, particularly when Kate faced severe morning sickness during her pregnancies.

Royal correspondent Simon Biggar highlighted Carole's hands-on approach.

He noted how she took care of Kate while she was unwell, demonstrating her commitment as a grandmother.

This support allowed Kate to focus on her health, knowing her children were in good hands.

Ingrid Seward, a royal expert, elaborated on Carole's influence on Kate's upbringing.

She described how Carole instilled a sense of perfectionism in her daughter.

From sailing to rock climbing, Kate learned various skills, all thanks to her mother's encouragement.

Carole's ambition for her children clearly shaped the strong, capable woman Kate has become today.

Carole's contributions don't stop with Kate.

She is also a vital figure in the lives of her three royal grandchildren, often helping out when William and Kate travel abroad.

Her love for family is evident, as she enjoys playing games and engaging with the children, creating cherished memories together.

Katie Nicholl, another royal expert, pointed out that the presence of the Middletons allows William and Kate to maintain a sense of normalcy.

Carole is a familiar face at Kensington Palace, often seen zipping through the gates in her Land Rover.

With no need for security, her presence is a comforting reminder of the family's close ties.

In addition to the Middleton family, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge rely heavily on their nanny, Maria Theresa Tourian Borallo.

Originally from Palencia, Maria trained at Norland College in Bath, one of the most prestigious nanny schools in the world.

Since joining the family in 2014, she has become an integral part of their household.

Norland College is renowned for producing highly skilled nannies, with graduates often landing lucrative positions.

The training is rigorous, blending traditional childcare with unique skills that range from self-defense to getaway driving.

This blend of expertise makes Norland graduates highly sought after, with salaries reaching impressive heights.

Newly qualified nannies can start at around £42,000 annually, but with experience, many earn upwards of £120,000.

The perks of the job often include luxurious living arrangements and travel opportunities, making it a desirable career choice for those in the field.

In the bustling life of the royal family, the support system surrounding Prince George, , and is both extensive and vital.

With loving grandparents and a dedicated nanny, the young royals are growing up in an environment rich in care and guidance.

The influence of these key figures will undoubtedly shape their futures as they navigate the complexities of royal life.

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