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The Harkles’ Christmas Card: A Controversial Move or Just a Festive Farce?

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The Harkles’ Christmas Card: A Controversial Move or Just a Festive Farce?

When it comes to the Harkles, one can't help but raise an eyebrow at their latest antics.

Their recent Christmas card featuring a snapshot from the Invictus Games has sparked quite the debate.

Many see it as a blatant attempt to hijack the achievements of veterans for their personal gain.

It's a bold move that leaves a sour taste in the mouth, particularly considering the event's purpose: honoring those who have served bravely.

Imagine being a veteran at the Invictus Games, only to see your hard work overshadowed by a flashy holiday greeting card.

The absence of any mention of these heroes in the card is particularly striking.

It's almost as if the couple is more interested in their own image than in celebrating the sacrifices of others.

One can only wonder what Machiavelli would think of such a calculated maneuver.

But let's peel back the layers of this card further.

The Harkles seem to be masters of illusion, using clever tactics to draw attention to themselves.

The card includes a play button, hinting at some intriguing video content.

However, it turns out to be nothing more than a gimmick—a distraction from the reality of their situation.

It's a classic bait and switch, one that even seasoned con artists would admire.

And what about their children, and ?

Once again, they're conspicuously absent from this festive display.

It raises questions about their existence in the public eye.

Are they merely figments of the Harkles' imagination?

The couple appears intent on keeping their children shrouded in mystery, which only adds to the intrigue surrounding them.

Now, let's talk about the timing of this Christmas card release.

Rumor has it that WME, the agency managing the Harkles' public persona, hesitated to unveil the card due to concerns over potential backlash.

Given their track record of PR blunders, it's no surprise that they'd be wary.

The Harkles are quickly gaining a reputation for missteps, with even popular culture taking jabs at them.

Their attempts to portray themselves as Hollywood royalty have taken a hit, especially when they've been labeled the biggest losers of 2023.

This Christmas card seems like a desperate attempt to rewrite that narrative.

The carefully crafted image of success they want to project stands in stark contrast to the reality many perceive.

In the mix of all this drama is Oprah, another figure entangled in controversy.

Her recent actions have led to accusations of hypocrisy, which only complicates the Harkles' narrative further.

Together, they form a trifecta of questionable authenticity that leaves the public wondering where the truth lies.

This Christmas card saga is more than just a holiday greeting; it's a theatrical performance that rivals the most elaborate Shakespearean plays.

The Harkles may think they're playing a clever game, but the public isn't simply a pawn in their strategy.

There are real consequences to their actions, particularly for the veterans whose stories they seem to overshadow.

As we dissect this latest stunt, it's essential to remember the true victims in this scenario—the veterans who deserve recognition and respect.

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