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**The Enigmatic Birth of Archie Mountbatten-Windsor**

Photos: GETTY

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**The Enigmatic Birth of Archie Mountbatten-Windsor**

The mystery surrounding Mountbatten-Windsor's birth began with the ever-changing baby bump of Meghan.

Questions arose regarding whether was truly born at Portland Hospital in London.

Despite Archie's arrival at 5:26 am on May 6th, 2019, the palace remained silent until 2 pm that afternoon.

When the announcement finally came, it misleadingly suggested that Meghan was in labor, while she and Harry were already at home with Archie.

This decision irked , who traditionally presents his children to the public shortly after their birth.

However, Harry and Meghan deliberately chose to break away from this tradition.

According to Benjamin Smallbrook-Oncora, a well-connected source, there were suggestions made to the Royal Communications Office that Meghan might have used a surrogate.

The response was silence, neither confirming nor denying the rumors.

When Meghan announced her pregnancy, she purposely kept the due date vague, leading journalists to speculate and fuel suspicions about the pregnancy.

The leaked information about using a surrogate to bring Archie into the world quickly spread across UK newsrooms, surpassing what the actress intended to disclose.

Despite Archie's eventual arrival on May 6th, 2019, some journalists claimed he was brought by taxi, raising doubts about the official narrative.

Reporters with close ties to the Royal Communications Office sensed something amiss as they faced closed doors and a lack of transparency.

The unusual circumstances surrounding a royal birth sparked intrigue, a departure from the usual protocol of promptly announcing and showcasing the newborn to the public.

The media's pursuit of clarity led to pressing the palace for answers, particularly concerning the speculation around Meghan's use of a surrogate.

The customary post-birth photograph of the royal mother on hospital steps was skipped as Meghan insisted on delaying the announcement until their return home.

This deviation surprised many, given Meghan's previous inclination towards public attention.

Inconsistencies surrounding Archie's birth, including 's remarks about the child changing significantly in the first two weeks, added to the confusion.

The delayed debut of Archie to the world raised questions about the accuracy of the information released, hinting at possible discrepancies in the timeline of events.

Speculations regarding the birth location, whether at home or the hospital, persisted, further complicated by conflicting reports about Meghan's preference for a hospital birth and female doctors.

As details emerged, it became apparent that Archie's birth likely occurred in late April, contrary to the initially reported May 6th date.

The ongoing speculations and contradictions surrounding Archie's birth continued to captivate public interest, fueling debates about the authenticity of the information provided and the circumstances surrounding the enigmatic arrival of the youngest member of the royal family.

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