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The Coronation Oath: A Sacred Pledge of Loyalty and Faith

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The Coronation Oath: A Sacred Pledge of Loyalty and Faith

In a solemn ceremony steeped in tradition, the echoes of history reverberated through the hallowed halls as the Coronation Oath was faithfully sworn once more.

The timeless words, “As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,” resonated with profound significance, underscoring the enduring nature of royal duty and devotion.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin, stood unwavering, his voice unwavering as he intoned the sacred oath, calling upon the divine authority of Almighty God to bless and uphold the sovereign’s reign.

With steadfast resolve, he pledged fidelity and truth to the monarch, defender of the faith, and to all future generations who would inherit the mantle of leadership.

Amidst the reverent atmosphere, the Prince of Wales, William, stepped forward to pay homage to his liege lord, sealing his pledge of loyalty with a solemn vow.

“I, William, Prince of Wales, pledge my loyalty to you,” he declared, his words echoing with sincerity and solemnity.

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