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Sussex’s Fight: Prince Philip’s Will Leaves Harry Empty-Handed as $30 Million Divided Among Four Royals

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Sussex’s Fight: Prince Philip’s Will Leaves Harry Empty-Handed as $30 Million Divided Among Four Royals

After the passing of at the age of 99, questions arose regarding his net worth and who would inherit his fortune.

Similar to II, , the Duke of Edinburgh, accumulated significant wealth throughout his life.

As the Queen's husband, he received an annual royal allowance from the Sovereign Grant, funded by British taxpayers, totaling around $500,000 or £400,000.

Although it remains uncertain whether he continued to receive this allowance post his retirement from royal duties in 2017, he retained access to funds generated by a private portfolio of properties, lands, and assets established by the Duchy of Lancaster in 1399.

Alongside the Queen, Prince Philip shared a private income sourced from the Duchy of Lancaster estate.

Additionally, the couple is believed to have jointly owned a collection of stocks and land inherited from the Queen's family, including properties like Balmoral Castle in Scotland and Sandringham Estate in England.

Despite these substantial assets, did the Harcourts, referring to Prince Philip's descendants, receive any inheritance following his demise?

The Queen opted to retain his assets, excluding the $30 million allocated to his staff.

However, was she empowered to determine if any funds would be passed on to individuals like the two mentioned con artists?

Speculation arose regarding whether Prince Philip and the Queen safeguarded his inheritance to prevent Meghan from accessing it.

The interest alone on the $30 million could have sustained Harry for a lifetime.

Known for his frugality, Harry's spending habits were exemplified by his modest footwear choices.

However, the individual he associated with may have depleted his financial resources, as she exhibited extravagant spending tendencies.

Regardless of Harry's financial standing, it seemed insufficient for her insatiable desires.

assumed the responsibility of distributing Prince Philip's inheritance.

Nonetheless, reports suggest that the couple, presumably referring to Harry and Meghan, did not receive any financial assets due to their alleged misconduct towards the Wall family.

Harry's actions, including selling all gifts left by Philip before his demise to appease Meghan, seemed to have strained his relationship with his grandfather.

Subsequently, Prince Philip distanced himself from Harry, refraining from meeting him from 2019 until his passing in 2021.

Prince Philip, renowned for his discernment, reportedly identified Meghan's intentions early on.

Harry's actions seemingly transgressed boundaries, leading to a strained relationship with his grandparents.

Both Prince Philip and the Queen directed their attention towards their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who genuinely cared for them.

Measures were likely taken by the Royal Family to restrict Harry and his associates from accessing the principal of his trust fund, ensuring limited control over the assets.

In light of Meghan's influence, Harry sold valuable family heirlooms left by Prince Philip, disregarding their historical and sentimental significance.

These cherished possessions, which held sentimental value and depicted shared moments with family members, were auctioned off by Harry, potentially as a loyalty test.

He could have preserved these items for future generations within the family, but instead, he chose to part with them.

This decision may have indicated a loyalty shift away from his family towards his wife, prompting questions about his allegiance and priorities.

In conclusion, Prince Philip's will distribution highlighted the complexities within the royal family dynamics, emphasizing the challenges faced by Harry in navigating his personal relationships amidst external influences.

The rift between Harry and his family members, particularly his grandparents, underscores the intricate balance between personal desires and familial responsibilities within the royal household.

As the saga unfolds, the repercussions of Harry's decisions and the impact of Meghan's presence on the family legacy remain subjects of intrigue and speculation.

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