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Sussex Doomed Day

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Sussex Doomed Day

A recent investigation has uncovered the true colors of and , revealing their involvement with a Wall Street investment firm that contradicts their public image.

The firm, Ethic, backed by the royal couple, holds significant shares in tech giants such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google, despite Harry and Meghan's vocal stance against online hate and fake news.

Ethic, where Harry and Meghan serve as impact partners, manages a substantial $1.3 billion investment portfolio for affluent clients, including investments in social media platforms and major corporations.

In the world of finance, ethical investments have gained popularity, offering clients a sense of moral responsibility and a socially acceptable investment choice.

Ethic prides itself on offering personalized sustainability solutions to guide investors towards companies that prioritize ethical practices towards people and the environment.

However, a closer look at the firm's financial disclosures reveals a portfolio heavily weighted towards conventional corporate giants, rather than exclusively ethical ventures.

Among Ethic's holdings are $6.9 million in Facebook shares, a $2 million stake in Twitter, and a significant $32 million investment in Alphabet, Google's parent company.

Despite their public statements condemning the negative impact of social media, including a column by denouncing its lawless nature, the couple's ties to Ethic raise questions about their alignment with the firm's investment choices.

In 2020, they were linked to a group organizing a Facebook ad boycott, further complicating their stance on social media platforms.

Ethic's SEC filings also reveal investments in renowned companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Coca-Cola, Visa, Nike, and Tesla, alongside holdings in oil and gas companies, airlines, and automotive manufacturers.

Notably, the firm holds shares in food giant Mandalay's, accused of contributing to deforestation in orangutan habitats through their palm oil suppliers, a stark contrast to Harry and Meghan's conservation efforts.

Despite their environmental advocacy, the Sussexes' portfolio includes pharmaceutical giants producing COVID-19 vaccines, a sector they have criticized for withholding vaccine patents.

Market experts have raised concerns about the ethical implications of Ethic's investments, noting the presence of fossil fuels and controversial companies within their portfolio.

While Ethic aims to promote positive impact investing, the extent of their influence on corporate behavior remains uncertain.

Harry and Meghan's personal investments in Ethic further complicate their ethical stance, as they maintain shareholder status in companies they have publicly criticized.

The couple's financial contributions to Ethic remain undisclosed, with the firm tailoring portfolios to individual preferences, potentially avoiding direct investments in companies like Facebook.

Additionally, Ethic's support for pharmaceutical companies developing COVID-19 vaccines contradicts Harry's recent calls for greater vaccine accessibility in lower-income countries.

Founded by a team including a former public school student resembling Prince Harry, Ethic's investment choices have sparked scrutiny regarding the alignment of its portfolio with the values espoused by its high-profile backers.

Despite their efforts to promote ethical investing, the Sussexes' association with Ethic raises questions about the consistency of their financial decisions with their public image and advocacy work.

As the debate over ethical investing continues, the spotlight remains on the intersection of personal values and financial interests in the realm of high-profile investments.

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