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Supreme Court Ruling Sparks Speculation About Meghan Markle’s Intentions

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Supreme Court Ruling Sparks Speculation About Meghan Markle’s Intentions

A recent ruling by the Supreme Court has ignited a firestorm of speculation surrounding and her relationship with .

This controversial decision, which blocks Americans from sponsoring their foreign spouses for residency in the United States, seems to have arrived at a rather opportune moment for the Duchess of Sussex.

Critics are now questioning whether this legal development is part of a larger scheme by Meghan to distance herself from Harry.

The Supreme Court's ruling has drawn significant backlash from international couples and immigration advocates alike.

Many are outraged that this decision could tear apart binational families who have worked hard to build their lives together.

Yet, for Meghan, the timing couldn't be more convenient.

Some observers suggest that this legal barrier might just provide her with the perfect excuse to step away from her marriage to Harry.

Rumors about Meghan's dissatisfaction with her marriage have been circulating for quite some time.

Detractors have pointed fingers at her, claiming she has been plotting her exit from Harry all along.

From her media engagements to her well-timed relocations, critics argue that Meghan's actions hint at a meticulously crafted plan to sever ties with the royal family.

The Supreme Court's ruling has raised eyebrows, particularly regarding its timing.

With this new legal hurdle in place, Meghan could easily frame her situation as a victim of an unjust immigration system, using it as a rationale for distancing herself from Harry.

This narrative allows her to portray herself as someone trapped by circumstances beyond her control, while quietly stepping back from their life together.

Meghan's transition from Hollywood starlet to British royalty has been fraught with challenges.

Her time as a royal was plagued by controversies and allegations of rifts within the family.

Critics argue that wherever Meghan goes, disruption follows.

The infamous “Megxit” scandal, where Meghan and Harry opted to step back from royal duties, is often viewed as a pivotal moment in Meghan's apparent strategy to isolate Harry from his royal roots.

Skeptics contend that Meghan's ultimate ambition has always been to return to the United States and reclaim her identity, with or without Harry by her side.

Her efforts to cultivate a distinct personal brand have not gone unnoticed.

High-profile interviews, philanthropic ventures, and media appearances are seen by many as strategic moves to position herself as an independent, influential figure.

This latest Supreme Court ruling aligns neatly with the narrative of a woman striving to regain her autonomy.

As the dust settles around this controversial decision, all eyes are on Meghan and Harry to see how they will respond to this new challenge.

While some view the ruling as merely complicating an already complex situation, others believe it serves as the final piece in Meghan's elaborate plan to orchestrate her separation from Harry.

The discussion over Meghan's true motives is far from over.

Social media is buzzing with passionate debates, and the media continues to scrutinize every aspect of her actions.

Whether this Supreme Court ruling presents a genuine setback or simply a convenient excuse for Meghan, one thing remains certain: her every move will be closely monitored.

As Meghan navigates this legal landscape, the world watches with bated breath.

Will she use this ruling to justify a split from Harry, or will it bring them closer together in the face of adversity?

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