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South Park’s Hilarious Take on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Sparks Controversy

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South Park’s Hilarious Take on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Sparks Controversy

The latest episode of South Park has set tongues wagging with its scathing satire of and .

In a spoof titled the Worldwide Privacy Tour, the animated show left viewers in stitches with its witty jabs at the royal couple.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex make an appearance on a fictional chat show called Good Morning Canada, where they comically advocate for privacy by holding up placards that read, “we want our privacy, stop looking at us.”

Known for its irreverent humor, South Park doesn't hold back in poking fun at popular culture.

The chat show host interrogates about his book, Wag, a playful reference to his real-life memoir, Spare.

Despite once claiming to detest journalists, the prince is accused of turning into one himself.

Frustrated by the constant attention that comes with royalty, Prince Harry and Meghan eventually storm off the set, seeking refuge in South Park.

The episode takes a humorous turn as the royal pair become neighbors with the main character, Cal, in an attempt to escape the media glare.

Referred to as the “dumb prince and his stupid wife,” the Sussexes try to blend in and enjoy a normal life, much to the delight of viewers.

While many found the portrayal hilarious, not everyone was pleased.

Piers Morgan, a controversial journalist and former host of Good Morning Britain, praised the episode as “lethally brilliant,” reflecting the sentiments of many Americans towards the couple.

However, not all reactions were positive, with some questioning whether Morgan would endorse a similar parody of and .

Despite the mixed feedback, South Park remains unapologetic in its boundary-pushing approach to comedy.

With a history of lampooning public figures, the show continues to provoke discussion and controversy with its no-holds-barred style.

As the episode aired to eager audiences, speculation mounts on how the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will react to their animated portrayal.

Will they address it directly or dismiss it as another intrusion into their private lives?

The Worldwide Privacy Tour premiered on Wednesday and is set to broadcast on UK Comedy Central, promising more laughs and potentially more debate among fans.

So, what are your thoughts on South Park's depiction of the royal couple?

Do you find it fair or too harsh?

Share your opinions in the comments below.

As we await the next twist in this comedic saga, one thing is certain – South Park's bold humor shows no signs of slowing down.

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