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**”South Park Mocks Sussexes: Meghan’s Presidential Hopes Dashed”**

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**”South Park Mocks Sussexes: Meghan’s Presidential Hopes Dashed”**

The recent episode of South Park has caused quite a stir, particularly for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Megyn Kelly expressed her belief that recovering from such satire is nearly impossible.

The show, known for its biting humor, took aim at the couple in their latest episode titled “The Worldwide Privacy Tour.”

In the episode, the characters resembling Harry and Meghan move to the US in search of privacy, only to paradoxically seek attention by appearing on television to promote a book suspiciously similar to Harry’s memoir.

The Prince, portrayed as disliking journalists, expresses frustration with the constant attention they receive, claiming they just want to be normal people.

While the show doesn’t explicitly name the royal couple, the references are unmistakable.

The storyline revolves around the couple’s contradictory desire for privacy while willingly sharing intimate details of their lives in interviews, books, and their Netflix series.

The parody includes humorous scenes where the characters demand privacy while actively seeking the spotlight.

The satire extends to Elton John, a close friend of the royal family, who allegedly fell out with Harry and Meghan over the use of his private jet for travel and PR purposes.

The tension between the parties reportedly escalated during a holiday at Elton’s residence in France, as detailed in Harry’s memoir.

Despite the fallout with Elton John, the Sussexes seem to be eyeing opportunities in Hollywood.

With their recent hiring of a top Hollywood dealmaker and connections to influential celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres, the couple appears poised to make a commercial move post their Netflix series and Harry’s memoir release.

Meghan’s return to television seems plausible, with experts suggesting she may explore opportunities beyond long-running series.

While a comeback to a show like “Suits” is uncertain, a cameo appearance or involvement in shorter projects could be on the horizon.

As the Sussexes navigate their post-royal life, their potential forays into Hollywood promise to keep them in the public eye.

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