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Slut, David Letterman Absolutely Roasts Meghan Markle on Late Night Show Comeback

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Slut, David Letterman Absolutely Roasts Meghan Markle on Late Night Show Comeback

David Letterman, the iconic former host of The Late Show, made a surprise appearance on Monday, November 20, 2023, as a guest on the show hosted by his successor, Stephen Colbert Squared.

The two comedic giants engaged in a lively and entertaining conversation, touching upon various topics including Letterman's Netflix series, “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction,” his distinctive beard, and his retirement plans.

However, the standout moment of the evening came when Letterman unleashed a bombshell aimed directly at , the former actress turned Duchess of Sussex, who has been embroiled in a whirlwind of controversies and legal battles over allegations of deceit and double standards.

During the interview, Letterman disclosed that he had conducted an interview with Markle for his Netflix program, but due to legal complications and public backlash, the episode never saw the light of day.

He candidly described Markle as charming, intelligent, and eloquent, yet also criticized her as deceitful, manipulative, and self-centered.

Letterman recounted challenging Markle on inconsistencies and contradictions in her statements regarding her relationship with her father, her wedding, her mental health struggles, and her royal responsibilities.

According to him, Markle either evaded questions, deflected topics, or outright lied during their interaction.

In a surprising turn of events, Letterman unveiled clips from the unaired interview that he clandestinely recorded as evidence which depicted Markle contradicting herself, making baseless accusations, and portraying herself as a victim.

For instance, one clip showcased Markle asserting that she never sought fame or attention, emphasizing her intentions to leverage her platform for altruistic causes.

However, Letterman juxtaposed this claim with past interviews where Markle openly expressed aspirations for fame, detailed hiring a PR team to enhance her public image, and admitted to orchestrating staged paparazzi moments to garner media interest.

Another revealing moment from the unaired interview featured Markle alleging mistreatment and harassment by the British press and the royal family, disclosing her struggles with suicidal thoughts.

Nonetheless, Letterman countered this narrative by presenting a documentary clip where Markle confessed her emotional turmoil and lamented the lack of support she received.

He further referenced a podcast segment in which attested to checking on Markle daily and attempting to secure professional assistance for her well-being.

Additionally, a newspaper article attributed to a royal insider highlighted Markle's alleged refusal to cooperate with palace staff, coupled with reports of her demanding and discourteous behavior.

Letterman delved into Markle's alleged contradictions on environmental activism, feminism, and racial identity, showcasing instances where she purportedly engaged in practices that contradicted her public stances.

Clips exhibited Markle utilizing private jets, donning luxurious apparel and accessories, and residing in opulent accommodations while advocating for environmental conservation and social equality.

Furthermore, Markle's vocal criticisms of patriarchal structures, the monarchy, and media institutions were juxtaposed with her purported benefitting from their privileges and influence.

The audience responded with a mix of astonishment, laughter, and applause as Letterman humorously dissected Markle's conduct with sharp wit and biting sarcasm.

Colbert enthusiastically participated in the banter, adding jests and commentary on Markle's alleged fabrications and duplicity.

He commended Letterman for his forthrightness and bravery, expressing hope for the eventual release of the controversial episode on Netflix.

Colbert humorously remarked on potential legal repercussions from Markle, jokingly suggesting the possibility of receiving a lawsuit or a sternly worded letter from her legal representatives.

Following the broadcast, the episode featuring David Letterman and Stephen Colbert swiftly garnered viral attention on social media platforms, with numerous viewers lauding Letterman for unmasking Markle's purported falsehoods and commending him as a hero and a luminary figure.

Criticism towards Markle mounted, with many condemning her for alleged dishonesty and manipulation, branding her as a charlatan and a malefactor.

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