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Shocking Royal Revelation: Queen Camilla’s Secret Gratitude Unveiled

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Shocking Royal Revelation: Queen Camilla’s Secret Gratitude Unveiled

In the scandalous realm of royal revelations, a reported royal thank you note has tongues wagging and eyebrows raising.

The latest bombshell biography by Omitsukomi titled “Endgame” and set to hit shelves on November 28th, reveals a nugget of royal gossip that is sending shockwaves through the monarchy.

According to the book, Queen allegedly expressed gratitude towards Pierce Morgan for his not so subtle nickname for , Princess Pinocchio.

The Duchess of Cornwall reportedly sent a clandestine message to Pierce, thanking him for what some might consider a less than regal moniker for her granddaughter-in-law.

This revelation is nothing short of a royal earthquake, especially considering the public fallout between Pierce Morgan and in 2021.

Pierce's dramatic exit from Good Morning Britain following a clash of words with Meghan was widely publicized.

The infamous Daily Mail column where Meghan was labeled Princess Pinocchio, referencing the character whose nose grows longer with every lie, sparked controversy.

Queen 's alleged appreciation for Pierce defending the royal institution subtly acknowledges the ongoing royal divide captivating audiences globally.

Pierce Morgan's scathing comments post Meghan and Harry's interview with Oprah further fueled the tension.

His skepticism towards Meghan's revelations about her struggles within the royal family led to his departure from the morning news program.

Despite the escalating drama, both Meghan Markle and Queen Camilla have chosen to remain silent on the matter.

The palace walls hold more secrets than meet the eye, hinting at a deeper complexity within the royal family dynamics.

The reported gesture of gratitude from Queen Camilla sheds light on the intricate web of relationships and tensions within the palace corridors.

The subtle acknowledgment of support amidst public controversies adds another layer to the ongoing narrative surrounding the royal family.

As the royal saga continues to unfold, audiences are left pondering the intricacies of royal etiquette and alliances behind closed doors.

The revelations in Scobie's book offer a glimpse into the complexities of royal dynamics and the unspoken rules governing interactions within the monarchy.

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