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Senior Royals Reunite After Months Apart During Lockdown

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Senior Royals Reunite After Months Apart During Lockdown

After being separated for months due to lockdown restrictions, the Senior Royals were finally reunited at Windsor Castle.

and Catherine, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, concluded a two-day royal train tour by stopping off at the castle on Tuesday afternoon.

Welcoming them were II, Prince Charles, , Duchess of Cornwall, , Sophie, Countess of Wessex, and .

The Royal Family gathered to honor key workers, care staff, and volunteers who had assisted the vulnerable in the community near the castle.

Throughout the pandemic, the Royal Family had been apart, with the Queen primarily residing at Windsor Castle while stayed in Sandringham.

Windsor Castle was affectionately referred to as HMS Bubble during this time, with a limited staff ensuring minimal contact with the monarch.

The public appearance of the 94-year-old Queen alongside her son Prince Charles and other senior royals marked a significant moment, as it was the first time they had been seen together in public since before the pandemic began in March.

Notably absent from the gathering were , who retired from royal duties in 2017 and is rarely seen in public, and , who stepped back from public life following his association with Jeffrey Epstein.

Despite the wintry weather, the Queen stood on the castle's steps, adorned with Christmas decorations and surrounded by her family members.

She was dressed in a vibrant red coat, matching hat, and black gloves, carrying her signature Launer handbag.

The Duchess of Cambridge opted for a dark green coat with a faux fur neckline for the occasion.

During the gathering, the royals interacted with local volunteers and key workers from Berkshire, expressing gratitude for their efforts during the festive season.

Windsor Castle served as the initial stop on the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's tour across England, Scotland, and Wales via the Royal Train.

The tour aimed to acknowledge the contributions of individuals and organizations in response to the pandemic.

Earlier in the day, and Catherine shared their Christmas dilemma with students in Cardiff, revealing uncertainty about their holiday plans.

With the Queen canceling the traditional family gathering at Sandringham, the couple expressed difficulty in deciding how to spend the festive season.

William admitted, “It's difficult to know what to do for the best.”

Lily Faulkner, a student at Cardiff University, echoed similar sentiments, highlighting the challenges faced by many in making Christmas arrangements amidst ongoing uncertainties.

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