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Senior German Royal Warns Prince Harry After Selfie Mishap

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Senior German Royal Warns Prince Harry After Selfie Mishap

A senior German royal has issued a warning to following a selfie incident with a Z-list fake prince at a prestigious event in Los Angeles.

Prince Alexander Schaumburg Lipper expressed his concerns to MailOnlineToday, emphasizing that should have considered the dignity of the king and queen before posing for a photo with the questionable figure.

The encounter took place at John Travolta's Living Legends of Aviation Gala, held at the Beverly Hills Hilton on Friday night.

Despite Mario Max Schaumburg Lipper's reputation as a Z-list fake prince, Prince Harry appeared delighted to stand alongside him at the black-tie affair.

In an exclusive statement, Prince Alexander remarked that he hopes Prince Harry will exercise more caution in the future, particularly when choosing his company.

He stressed the importance of vetting individuals before associating with them, especially given Prince Harry's prominent position within the royal family.

Mario Max Schaumburg Lipper, who has been dubbed “The King of Trash TV” following appearances on reality shows in both Germany and the US, has been accused of exploiting his connection to the Schaumburg Lipper family for personal gain.

Despite his claims to royalty, Mario Max's title has been disputed by his own relatives, including Prince Alexander.

The self-proclaimed royal figure recently shared his birth certificate on social media in an attempt to validate his lineage, asserting that he is the son of legitimate royalty.

However, doubts persist within his family regarding his right to use the title of prince, raising questions about his true identity and motives.

Prince Alexander reiterated that Prince Harry's association with individuals like Mario Max highlights the need for increased scrutiny and discernment.

He suggested that Prince Harry's recent decisions may be influenced by his newfound independence from the royal family, allowing for lapses in judgment.

Notably, the incident involving the selfie with Mario Max occurred at an event that was described as lacking in star power, with notably absent as she tended to her familial responsibilities.

The presence of Prince Harry at such an event raised eyebrows among royal commentators, who questioned the wisdom of his attendance.

Charlotte Griffiths, Editor at Large for The Mail on Sunday, characterized Prince Harry's appearance at the gala as disappointing and indicative of a misstep in his public relations strategy.

She noted that while Prince Harry may have access to a Hollywood PR team, the choice to engage with dubious personalities reflects poorly on his image.

The repercussions of Prince Harry's encounter with Mario Max have reverberated across global media outlets, drawing attention to the complexities of his post-royal life.

The scrutiny surrounding this incident underscores the challenges faced by Prince Harry as he navigates his new role outside the confines of traditional royalty.

As the story gains traction in mainstream news sources, the implications of Prince Harry's actions continue to spark debate and speculation.

The juxtaposition of royalty and celebrity culture exemplified by this incident serves as a cautionary tale for public figures seeking to redefine their identities in an evolving social landscape.

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