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**Seating Arrangements Stir Drama Ahead of King Charles’ Coronation**

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**Seating Arrangements Stir Drama Ahead of King Charles’ Coronation**

Seating arrangements at big family events can often be a source of tension, but the upcoming coronation of is expected to take awkwardness to a whole new level.

The question on everyone's mind is whether and will be in attendance at Westminster Abbey on May 6th.

The couple has yet to publicly confirm their presence, with speculations pointing towards a possible desire for a confrontation with Charles and , as well as an acknowledgment of their son 's fourth birthday.

The strained relations between Harry, Meghan, and the royal family add another layer of complexity to the seating arrangements.

At a recent royal event, Harry and Meghan were seated directly behind Charles and , adhering to protocol despite their diminished roles within the monarchy.

If they do attend the coronation, it is expected that Harry will be given a central seat due to his position as the King's son.

However, reports suggest that not all members of the royal family are eager to embrace the couple.

Privately, some have expressed a desire to keep their distance from Harry and Meghan, with hopes that they will be seated far away to avoid socializing with them.

According to a source close to the family, there is a prevailing sentiment of coldness towards the couple, with some even joking that they should be seated in Iceland to emphasize the desire for minimal interaction.

The focus of the event is intended to be on the new King and Queen Consort, with efforts to minimize distractions from other attendees.

In addition to the seating arrangements, there are rumors that Harry and Meghan have requested to be included on the balcony with the rest of the royal family after the coronation, to wave to the crowds.

However, there are indications that non-working royals, including the Sussexes, may be excluded from this post-ceremony tradition.

As preparations for the coronation procession unfold, tensions and uncertainties surrounding Harry and Meghan's involvement continue to simmer.

The couple's motives for attending the event remain a subject of speculation, with questions arising about their intentions to seek the spotlight and fame amidst the royal drama.

The anticipation and intrigue surrounding the coronation of are palpable, with each detail sparking conversations and debates among royal enthusiasts.

The dynamics within the royal family, coupled with the public's interest in the event, create a captivating narrative that is bound to unfold in the coming weeks.

Amidst the speculations and uncertainties, one thing is certain – the seating arrangements at King Charles' coronation are set to be a topic of intense scrutiny and fascination, reflecting the intricate web of relationships and hierarchies within the royal family.

What are your thoughts on the unfolding drama surrounding Harry and Meghan's potential attendance at the coronation?

Do you believe they will assert themselves in the front row, or is their main motive centered on seeking attention and recognition?

Share your opinions and join the conversation as we await the royal spectacle that lies ahead.

Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving story.

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