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Savage Meg Sobs: Sussexes Denied Private Agreement to Stay at Royal Homes

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Savage Meg Sobs: Sussexes Denied Private Agreement to Stay at Royal Homes

and are facing a challenging situation as they return to the UK, with reports indicating that they will need to negotiate a private agreement with if they wish to stay in any royal residence.

The couple recently bid farewell to Frogmore Cottage, their base in England, by returning the keys to the royal family.

This move signifies a significant shift for the Sussexes, as they no longer have a permanent home in the UK, potentially leading them to rely on hotels or friends during their visits.

With their possessions now shipped to their California mansion, Harry and Meghan may have to seek alternative arrangements when visiting England.

One option available to them is to secure a private agreement with to utilize one of the royal family's residences upon their return.

However, reports suggest that the couple's relationship with the royal family is strained, making such negotiations challenging.

Frogmore Cottage, a five-bedroom property gifted to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex by the Queen in 2018, served as a sporadic residence for the couple over the past few years.

Initially given a tight deadline to vacate the premises, Harry and Meghan were granted an extension following discussions, allowing them more time to organize their departure.

The timing of this decision coincided with the publication of 's autobiography, adding a layer of complexity to the situation.

A spokesperson for the Sussexes confirmed earlier this year that the couple had been asked to leave Frogmore Cottage, signaling a definitive break from their UK base.

The recent handover of keys has prompted speculation among royal enthusiasts and observers, with some interpreting it as a permanent farewell to the royal family.

While some believe that the Sussexes have acquiesced to the king's directives, others hold out hope for a potential reconciliation in the future.

In contrast to the Sussexes' departure, questions linger about 's status and whether he will also be required to vacate his luxurious residence.

Concerns have been raised regarding the Duke of York's response to any such requests, with uncertainties surrounding his willingness to comply with the king's decisions.

As the royal family navigates these transitions, public reactions vary, with some viewing Harry and Meghan's exit as a strategic move to garner sympathy, while others anticipate potential reunions within the royal fold.

The dynamics surrounding the Sussexes' departure from Frogmore Cottage underscore the complexities of their relationship with the royal family and the challenges they face in establishing new arrangements for their UK visits.

As they navigate these changes, the future remains uncertain for both Harry and Meghan and their ties to the monarchy.

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