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Royally Snubbed: Tension Between Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and Royal Family

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Royally Snubbed: Tension Between Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and Royal Family

and recently spent time with the royal family to bid farewell to II.

However, according to body language expert Jesus Enrique Rosas, there seems to be underlying tension between the couple and along with her husband, Jack Brooksbank.

Rosas, also known as the body language guy, observed the interaction between the couples before Harry and Meghan departed from the funeral.

Despite Eugenie standing in proximity to Meghan, Rosas noted a lack of significant engagement.

He pointed out that Eugenie's posture, with her head and neck pulled backward, indicated tension and nervousness in her demeanor.

The body language expert highlighted the apparent strain in the relationship between Meghan and Eugenie, considering their supposed friendship.

Rosas emphasized the absence of expected support and closeness between the two women, suggesting a rift based on non-verbal cues.

Notably, Rosas mentioned Meghan's cold stare towards Eugenie as they departed, questioning the dynamics among the group.

He expressed confusion over the origins of the perceived tension, particularly noting Brooksbank's seemingly indifferent behavior towards .

Rosas detected a lack of acknowledgment from Brooksbank towards Harry, indicating a strained connection between the couples.

He observed subtle facial cues, such as tenseness in Harry's expression, possibly stemming from recent challenges faced by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

During the funeral, Prince Harry and Meghan found themselves seated towards the back rows, contrasting sharply with the prominent front-row placement of other senior royals.

This positioning hinted at a possible snub, likely linked to Harry and Meghan's decision to step back from their royal duties in 2020.

Despite not being permitted to wear his military uniform, Harry displayed his military medals as a mark of respect during the somber occasion.

Rosas empathized with Harry's isolation within the family circle, suggesting a need for reconciliation and repair of strained relationships.

In conclusion, the intricate dynamics and unspoken tensions within the royal family continue to intrigue observers like Rosas, who remains hopeful for potential reconciliation between Prince Harry, Meghan, and their relatives.

As the saga unfolds, the nuances of body language and seating arrangements offer glimpses into the complex interactions shaping the royal narrative.

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