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Royal Scare: Queen Camilla’s Terrifying Flight Incident

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Royal Scare: Queen Camilla’s Terrifying Flight Incident

Rumors are swirling about the 75-year-old Queen Consort, , who despite her frequent travels for Royal duties, is reportedly terrified of flying.

Speculations arose after an incident where she allegedly sat frozen on the stairs of a small private jet during an overseas trip, refusing to board.

The Queen Consort's fear of flying came to light during a recent journey from India to London when a British Airways aircraft carrying her collided with a bird, causing visible damage to the jet's nose.

Upon her return from India, Queen encountered a surprising scare as the aircraft she was on sustained a significant dent on its nose, evident in images shared on social media.

Despite her apprehension towards flying, the Queen Consort often accompanies her husband, , on flights, seeking comfort by holding his hand during takeoff.

, a pilot himself, is known to be understanding of her fears, although there have been instances of turbulent flights where his pleas for her to relax were heard.

While Queen Camilla was rumored to be enjoying a holiday in India at a holistic health center near Bangalore, reports suggest that she and her friends were partaking in wellness therapies.

Although Buckingham Palace has not officially commented on the incident, it is believed that the Queen Consort was aboard the aircraft returning from her retreat in India when the collision with the bird occurred.

The damaged section of the aircraft, housing the weather radar, did not pose a safety risk, despite the alarming appearance of the dent.

Queen Camilla's stay at Sokia, a wellness facility in Bengaluru offering various holistic treatments, was reported to have included activities such as Ayurveda, homoeopathy, yoga, and meditation.

Accompanied by a group of friends and Royal Protection Squad members, the Queen Consort indulged in vegetarian continental cuisine and fruit beverages during her time at the center.

Sources reveal that Queen Camilla had planted a sapling at Sokia a decade ago, which has now flourished into a tree, symbolizing her longstanding connection to the place.

The Times of India detailed Queen Camilla's visit to Sokia on October 20 with her companions and security personnel, shedding light on her serene retreat experience.

The Queen Consort's engagement with wellness practices and her dedication to environmental initiatives were highlighted during her stay at the health center.

As the Royal Family navigates through this eventful period, supporters are encouraged to share their thoughts and prayers for Queen Camilla in the comments section.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story as we await more information on the aftermath of the incident.

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