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Royal Rift: Kate Declines Meghan Markle’s Podcast Invitation

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Royal Rift: Kate Declines Meghan Markle’s Podcast Invitation

In the midst of the ongoing royal dispute, tensions between and Kate, Princess of Wales, have escalated as Kate reportedly turned down an invitation to appear on Meghan's Archetypes podcast.

The refusal comes amidst a strained relationship between the two royal figures, following Meghan's controversial interview with where she revealed shocking details about her life within the royal family.

Royal correspondent Richard Palmer from the Daily Express expressed skepticism about the possibility of Kate participating in Meghan's podcast, stating, “I don't think so.

There doesn't seem to be much of a bond there between them right now.”

Despite potential for improvement in their relationship, Palmer emphasized that the current atmosphere remains tense between the two duchesses.

Palmer further noted that while Kate and other members of the royal family may empathize with some of the concerns raised by and Meghan during their time as working royals, there are fundamental disagreements regarding their approach to addressing these issues.

The decision of Harry and Meghan to step back from their royal duties and relocate away from Britain has caused rifts within the family and with the British media.

The prospect of Kate appearing on Meghan's podcast remains uncertain, with royal expert Neil Sean suggesting that there is a possibility of her joining the show in the future.

Sean hinted at a potential invitation extended to Kate during Meghan's recent visit to the UK, speculating that such a collaboration could significantly boost the podcast's popularity.

As Kate and prepare to attend the Earthshot prize awards in Boston on December 2, their focus shifts towards promoting environmental solutions and combatting climate change.

The royal couple aims to highlight Boston's efforts in creating a sustainable future while engaging in global initiatives to address urgent environmental challenges.

In a separate royal news development, historian Tessa Dunlop shed light on the early romantic relationship between II and , Duke of Edinburgh.

Describing the Queen's admiration for Philip as a “schoolgirl crush,” Dunlop revealed that Elizabeth began compiling a scrapbook of his photos, showcasing her affection for the young prince during their courtship.

Reflecting on the dynamics of their courtship, Dunlop highlighted Philip's charm and uniqueness as a Greek prince, recounting his interactions with other women before ultimately capturing the heart of .

The historian's insights provide a glimpse into the personal lives of the royal couple, offering a deeper understanding of their enduring love story and shared history.

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