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**Royal Revelations: Prince Harry Fears Queen’s Confidant May Seek Revenge**

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**Royal Revelations: Prince Harry Fears Queen’s Confidant May Seek Revenge**

is reportedly apprehensive that a key figure close to II might be plotting revenge against him and .

Renowned royal expert Neil Sean, citing a reliable insider, disclosed that Angela Kelly, the deceased Queen's personal dresser, is the individual that currently instills the most fear in Harry.

Kelly, who held a significant role as the late monarch's personal assistant and senior dresser from 2002 until her recent passing, is speculated to possess potentially explosive information regarding Meghan and Harry's interactions with the Queen.

Amidst swirling rumors, it has been revealed that Kelly had secured a lucrative three-book deal, with two books already released to the public.

While the palace maintains that Miss Kelly is on a leisurely tour of the United States, there are whispers suggesting that she may be diligently working on a third book.

The possibility of Kelly disclosing intimate conversations shared with the late Queen has reportedly left deeply concerned, given the potential revelations that could emerge from her writings.

Neil Sean hinted that Kelly might have been among the individuals referenced by Prince Harry when he expressed unease about the Queen's inner circle.

Speculation abounds that Kelly, having been granted personal permission by the late Queen to pen her memoirs, could shed light on previously undisclosed aspects of Meghan and Harry's association with the royal family.

With one book remaining from her three-book deal, there is anticipation surrounding the potential disclosures that Kelly could make in her upcoming work.

In parallel developments, renowned author Andrew Morton is set to release a new book titled “The Queen,” which delves into the tumultuous exit of Harry and Meghan from the royal fold, while chronicling 's remarkable 70-year reign.

Morton's insights suggest that Harry's forthcoming memoir could prompt him to move past lingering grievances, particularly those concerning his father's alleged remarks about his mother and his parents' dynamic.

The book is poised to offer a fresh perspective on the royal family dynamics and the events leading up to Megxit.

Morton's narrative also touches upon the enigmatic persona of Queen Elizabeth, highlighting her solitary childhood and her close relationship with Angela Kelly, affectionately known as AK-47 within royal circles.

Described as a formidable gatekeeper, Kelly wielded significant influence within the royal household, possessing a wealth of insider knowledge that she could leverage to navigate palace intrigues.

Morton's portrayal of Kelly as a staunch figure who stood her ground against the assertive Meghan and Harry sheds light on the power dynamics at play within the royal sphere.

The simmering tensions between Harry, Meghan, and Kelly came to a head during a high-profile dispute over a tiara, symbolizing a clash of wills and authority.

Meghan's insistence on a specific tiara for her wedding reportedly met resistance from Kelly, leading to a heated exchange where Harry famously exclaimed, “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets.”

This clash of personalities underscored the underlying power struggles within the royal household, culminating in a stalemate between the parties involved.

As the intricate web of royal relationships unravels through memoirs and tell-all accounts, the specter of past grievances and power dynamics looms large over Prince Harry and .

With each revelation adding a layer of complexity to their tumultuous journey, the royal couple finds themselves navigating treacherous waters fraught with intrigue and uncertainty.

As the saga unfolds, the true extent of the rifts and alliances within the royal family comes to the fore, offering a glimpse into the inner workings of one of the world's most scrutinized institutions.

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