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Royal Restrictions: The Surprising Diet and Rules of the Duchess of Cambridge

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Royal Restrictions: The Surprising Diet and Rules of the Duchess of Cambridge

Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, finds herself facing a rather surprising set of dietary restrictions.

According to former royal chef Darren McGrady, who served at Buckingham Palace for over a decade, Kate is banned from enjoying potatoes, rice, or pasta during dinner.

This unusual rule stems from the Queen's aversion to carbohydrates, which means these foods are off the royal menu.

While one might assume that royal living is all about indulgence, it seems that even the Duchess has to adhere to strict guidelines.

Despite her poised demeanor and charming personality, being a duchess comes with its own peculiarities.

Royal fans admire Kate for her grace and elegance, often dubbing her a perfect princess.

However, her life is far from simple.

Alongside her glamorous public appearances, she navigates a world filled with quirky royal protocols that dictate her behavior and choices.

Interestingly, while McGrady insists that carbohydrates are a no-go for royal dinners, other reports suggest that Kate does enjoy pasta.

In fact, she famously made homemade pasta to celebrate her daughter 's fifth birthday in 2020.

This contradiction raises questions about the flexibility of royal dining rules and whether exceptions can be made for special occasions.

The culinary restrictions don't stop at carbs.

The royal family also steers clear of certain risky foods in public settings.

Shellfish, for instance, is off-limits due to the potential risk of food poisoning.

This precautionary measure highlights the careful considerations the royals must take to maintain their health and image.

But it's not just food that comes with restrictions.

Interacting with the royals has its own set of rules.

For example, fans are prohibited from touching members of the royal family.

A casual arm around the Duchess could lead to an uncomfortable situation, as personal space is a significant aspect of royal protocol.

This boundary ensures that the royals maintain a level of formality in their interactions.

Another intriguing rule is that Kate cannot retire for the night before the Queen.

According to Sir William Hesseltine, a former private secretary to Her Majesty, it's considered improper for any royal to go to bed before the Queen does.

This tradition underscores the hierarchy within the royal family and the respect afforded to the monarch.

When it comes to public appearances, selfies are strictly forbidden.

Kate, along with other royals, prefers personal interactions over quick snapshots.

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