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Royal Rebellion: Edo’s Snub to Harry and Meghan’s PR Plea

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Royal Rebellion: Edo’s Snub to Harry and Meghan’s PR Plea

In a twist that could rival any royal drama, Edoardo Mappelli Mozzi, husband of , recently made waves during his visit to New York City.

The property tycoon took to the Big Apple not just for business but also to showcase his glamorous lifestyle on Instagram.

His social media feed has become an alluring diary filled with stunning views, including a breathtaking panorama over the Hudson from the Edge observation deck.

It's clear that real estate is treating Edo quite well, as he juggles globe-trotting meetings that make a game of Monopoly look simple.

But just when you think things couldn't get more interesting, enter .

In a move that would have even Shakespeare raising an eyebrow, the Duke of Sussex reaches out to Edo right upon his arrival in New York.

This isn't just a casual catch-up; Harry is reportedly seeking Edo's help on behalf of Meghan.

Their mission?

To convince him to drop by their luxurious Montecito home for a discussion about UK public relations experts.

Harry and Meghan are in dire need of some serious brand rehabilitation, and they're hoping Edo can lend a hand.

However, in a twist befitting a royal soap opera, Edo seems to have declined the invitation.

Who can blame him?

The idea of mediating between the Sussexes and their ongoing quest to polish their public image sounds like a chore many would rather avoid.

After all, he has better plans, like mingling at elite horse races without the baggage of controversy.

Meanwhile, the Sussexes are on a desperate hunt for a miracle worker in the PR department.

Finding someone willing to take on the Herculean task of revamping their image is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack.

Their brand appeal has taken such a nosedive that recent polls show Harry barely registering as a favorite among royal fans, with Meghan trailing even further behind.

PR expert Carla Spate doesn't hold back in her assessment of the situation.

She likens the PR industry's attitude towards the Sussex brand to a game of hot potato, where no one wants to be left holding it.

Given their history, who could blame them?

The couple's previous self-promotion efforts have often been labeled as a masterclass in how not to conduct PR, blending too much American bravado with insufficient British decorum.

The advisors surrounding Harry and Meghan appear more interested in cashing checks than offering sound advice.

This has led the couple down a path filled with too much personal sharing and tabloid headlines, which hasn't done them any favors.

And let's not forget Meghan's ambitious plan to launch her own brand alongside a Netflix project.

Experts are skeptical, suggesting that it will take more than a sprinkle of royal fairy dust to make it work.

Lynn Carrot from Pressbox PR emphasizes that Meghan's venture needs authenticity and consistency—qualities that have been notably absent from the Sussex playbook lately.

The road to redemption for the couple is fraught with challenges, and the clock is ticking.

As the saga unfolds, it's clear that another chapter in Harry and Meghan's quest for a better public image is just beginning.

Will they find the right PR guru to help them rise from the ashes?

Or will their attempts continue to fall flat?

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