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Royal Pizza Preferences: Duchess Kate’s Culinary Curiosity Sparks Questions About the Queen

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Royal Pizza Preferences: Duchess Kate’s Culinary Curiosity Sparks Questions About the Queen

In a delightful outing, the Duchess of Cambridge recently joined schoolchildren in Islington to whip up some pizzas in an open-air kitchen.

The event radiated warmth and laughter, with Kate clearly enjoying the Italian classic.

One little girl, 8-year-old Nadira from St Jude’s and St Paul’s Primary School, seized the opportunity to ask a burning question: “Has the Queen ever eaten pizza?”

Kate’s response was candid; she admitted she had no clue.

“That’s such a good question!

I don’t know.

Maybe next time I see her, shall I ask?” Her genuine curiosity left the kids giggling, but it also opened a window into the royal family’s eating habits.

Interestingly, former Buckingham Palace chef Darren McGrady weighed in on the topic.

He revealed that during his 11 years of service, he never once prepared pizza for the Queen.

In fact, when the royal yacht, HMY Britannia, docked in Palermo, Sicily, the chefs had to venture ashore after dinner just to try the local delicacy themselves.

Though the Queen may not be a fan of pizza, her grandsons, Princes William and Harry, are a different story.

McGrady noted that they would have devoured it every night if given the chance.

He reminisced about how he only started making pizzas after moving to Kensington Palace, highlighting the difference in tastes within the royal family.

During her visit, Kate shared her own pizza preferences, admitting that she favors bacon as a topping over spicy pepperoni.

This small detail about her culinary choices added a personal touch to her appearance, showcasing her relatable side amidst royal duties.

The Duchess was at King Henry’s Walk Garden to witness how gardening fosters community spirit.

It’s clear that food plays a significant role in these gatherings, and Kate’s engagement with the children emphasized the importance of sharing meals together.

While the Queen’s pizza preferences remain a mystery, her unique eating habits have been revealed over the years.

McGrady disclosed that Her Majesty has a soft spot for dark chocolate but is decidedly not a fan of garlic, both for its taste and smell.

Her breakfast routine, according to McGrady, is quite simple.

She enjoys a bowl of Kellogg’s cereal served from a plastic container, along with a cup of Darjeeling tea.

This down-to-earth choice contrasts sharply with the opulence one might expect from a monarch.

In a surprising twist, McGrady mentioned that the Queen sometimes opts for meals from a yellow Tupperware container.

This revelation adds a layer of relatability to the royal figure, showing that even she appreciates practicality over extravagance.

For state banquets, the Queen takes a more active role, personally reviewing a menu book sent to her several times a week.

She meticulously crosses out dishes she doesn’t fancy, ensuring her dining experience is tailored to her tastes.

McGrady also highlighted the Queen’s love for hosting garden parties, where the demand for food is substantial.

Scones, pastries, and freshly made ice cream are staples at these events, reflecting her enjoyment of both food and community engagement.

As we reflect on this charming glimpse into royal dining, it’s evident that while pizza may not be part of the Queen’s menu, the warmth of family and community certainly is.

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