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Royal Paternity Rumors Resurface as Prince Harry Jokes About Archie’s Ginger Hair

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Royal Paternity Rumors Resurface as Prince Harry Jokes About Archie’s Ginger Hair

Amid ongoing speculation surrounding James Hewitt's paternity, recently made a light-hearted comment about his son 's distinctive ginger hair.

The young child of and bears a striking resemblance to both the Duke of Sussex and Hewitt, fueling further speculation about his biological father.

The trio's shared ginger hair color has reignited long-standing paternity suspicions, particularly following the family's recent public appearances.

Prince Harry and 's first public outing with baby at a local nursery attracted attention, with the Duke revealing his son's fondness for two other red-haired infants.

Archie was described as lively and playful during the visit, showing a keen interest in his fellow gingers.

“Gingers stick together,” quipped the Duke, highlighting the bond shared among individuals with similar hair color.

Noted hair specialist Spencer Stevenson emphasized the significance of the ginger gene in Archie's appearance, pointing out the resemblance between the young prince and his father.

Despite Meghan Markle's dark hair, Archie's prominent ginger locks have fueled ongoing speculation regarding his parentage.

Stevenson debunked the rumors linking Hewitt to Prince Harry, citing genetic evidence that refutes such claims.

The expert clarified that Prince Harry inherited the male pattern baldness (MPB) gene from the Windsor family, evident in the gradual thinning of his hair over time.

In contrast, Hewitt's hairline shows signs of receding rather than overall thinning, further dispelling the paternity rumors.

Stevenson affirmed that Prince Charles serves as the true source of the MPB gene, confirming Prince Harry's lineage within the royal family.

Former bodyguard Ken Wharfe revealed 's distress over the paternity rumors, shedding light on her emotional turmoil during that period.

Reports suggest that Prince Harry's red hair can be traced back to the Spencer family lineage, dispelling any connections to Hewitt in terms of genetic inheritance.

Meanwhile, the royal family continues to navigate public scrutiny and media speculation surrounding their personal lives.

In a separate development, embarked on a solo visit to East London, showcasing his support for the Felix Project, a leading food redistribution organization in the city.

The non-profit initiative, founded in 2016 by Justin and Jane Byam Shaw, aims to combat food waste and alleviate food poverty by redistributing surplus meals to vulnerable communities.

' charitable commitment included a substantial donation to enhance the organization's refrigeration capabilities.

During his visit, King Charles engaged with volunteers and community partners, witnessing firsthand the impactful work of the Felix Project in addressing food insecurity across London.

The organization's milestone achievement of distributing its 100 millionth meal this summer underscores the critical role it plays in supporting marginalized groups.

King Charles' involvement reflects the royal family's dedication to philanthropic endeavors and community outreach initiatives.

As the Felix Project expands its operations, the introduction of Felix's Kitchen in 2021 marked a significant milestone in utilizing surplus food resources to prepare thousands of meals daily.

King Charles actively participated in the project's activities, including the launch of a new freezer to bolster food storage capacities for local partners.

His engagement with the organization's logistical operations underscores the royal family's commitment to supporting grassroots initiatives and social welfare programs.

Despite Queen Consort 's absence due to COVID-19 recovery, King Charles' visit to the Felix Project symbolizes the monarchy's enduring commitment to charitable causes and humanitarian efforts.

The royal couple's philanthropic contributions and public engagements serve as a testament to their advocacy for social welfare issues and community empowerment.

King Charles' dedication to supporting vulnerable populations through initiatives like the Felix Project exemplifies the enduring legacy of the royal family in fostering positive change within society.

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