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Royal Pancakes: Breakthrough Discovery Reveals Hormone Behind Severe Pregnancy Sickness

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Royal Pancakes: Breakthrough Discovery Reveals Hormone Behind Severe Pregnancy Sickness

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery regarding the cause of extreme nausea and vomiting experienced by some pregnant women, including members of the British Royal Family.

Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, has famously battled Hyperemesis Gravidarum during her pregnancies, a condition affecting up to 3% of expectant mothers.

This severe illness even prompted the early announcement of her first pregnancy with Prince George due to hospitalization.

Previously shrouded in mystery, the root of these debilitating symptoms has now been unveiled.

Researchers have pinpointed a hormone called GDF-15, produced by the developing fetus, as a potential culprit behind the intense sickness.

A study conducted by Cambridge University revealed that the severity of a mother-to-be’s nausea correlates with the levels of this hormone in her system and her sensitivity to it prior to conception.

Professor Sir Stephen O’Rahilly, leading the research at the University’s Medical Research Council Metabolic Diseases Unit, elucidated that the more responsive a woman is to GDF-15, the more severe her symptoms are likely to be.

This newfound understanding opens doors to potential preventive measures to shield expectant mothers from the effects of this hormone.

Notably, women with naturally low GDF-15 levels were found to be at higher risk of developing Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

Further implications of the study propose a strategy where at-risk individuals, potentially genetically predisposed, could gradually build up tolerance to GDF-15 before becoming pregnant.

Encouragingly, experiments on mice supported this notion.

The collaborative study, published in the journal Nature, involved researchers from various countries, shedding light on a condition that has long confounded medical professionals.

Dr. Marlena Fejtoe, a researcher at the University of Southern California who battled Hyperemesis Gravidarum herself, shared her struggles with the illness.

Reflecting on her own experience, she emphasized the importance of unraveling the mysteries surrounding this common yet poorly understood condition.

With the newfound insights into the role of GDF-15, hopes are high for the development of effective treatments to alleviate the suffering of pregnant women affected by severe nausea.

One such woman, Charlotte Howden, endured such extreme symptoms that she contemplated terminating her pregnancy.

Plagued by incessant vomiting and an inability to retain any sustenance, Charlotte’s condition was so severe that she required frequent hospitalizations for dehydration.

Despite trying various remedies, including ginger and medication, relief eluded her until a new prescription finally provided respite.

Charlotte’s harrowing experience led her to become an advocate for improved care and awareness surrounding Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

Now serving as the CEO of Pregnancy Sickness Support, a charity dedicated to supporting individuals grappling with this condition, she strives to ensure that no mother-to-be faces the same ordeal she endured.

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