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Royal Pal Urges King Charles III to Intervene Amid Mockery of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

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Royal Pal Urges King Charles III to Intervene Amid Mockery of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

A former friend of has reached out to III, requesting his intervention to halt the relentless attention directed towards his daughter-in-law and her husband, .

TV presenter Lizzie Cundy, who once shared a friendship with Meghan, expressed her dismay at the couple's perceived habit of constant complaining, suggesting that they have fashioned a career out of grievance.

Cundy's concerns were sparked by a recent episode of the popular animated series Family Guy, which parodied the Sussexes.

In response to the mocking portrayal of Meghan and Harry in the cartoon, Lizzie Cundy emphasized the urgent need for to step in and prevent any further potential revelations from Meghan's upcoming memoirs.

She voiced her frustration, stating, “Enough now of their moaning and whining.

All they do is backstab and make a career out of complaining.”

Cundy highlighted the detrimental impact of the ongoing scrutiny on the royal couple, both in the UK and across the Atlantic, where they have become subjects of ridicule.

Cundy went on to assert that Meghan's aspirations for a political career may be jeopardized by the negative publicity generated by their continuous complaints.

She remarked that even their circle of celebrity acquaintances has distanced themselves from the couple.

Drawing from her past association with Meghan, Cundy suggested that the Sussexes' financial prospects rely heavily on disparaging the royal family and urged King Charles to prevent any potential bombshells in Meghan's memoirs.

Directly addressing Meghan, Cundy implored her to cease further disclosures, emphasizing the strain it places on the royal family and the public.

Additionally, she issued a pointed message to King Charles, urging him to confront Meghan directly and put an end to the ongoing saga.

The critique comes in the wake of the recent episode of Family Guy, where Meghan and Harry were once again lampooned, following a previous satire on South Park.

The Family Guy episode featured a scene where a cartoon version of Meghan and Harry dismissively handles financial matters, reflecting their real-life ventures into commercial endeavors post-royal exit.

The satirical depiction culminated in Harry expressing regret over the decision to distance himself from the royal family, hinting at the repercussions of their departure.

The episode coincided with the collapse of the couple's lucrative podcast deal and the anticipation surrounding Meghan's forthcoming memoir.

Royal experts and authors have speculated on the potential success of Meghan's memoir, drawing parallels to Harry's well-received book, “Spare.”

With insights from industry insiders, it is anticipated that Meghan's account could shed light on her experiences within the royal family and offer a platform for her perspective on significant events.

The rumored memoir presents an opportunity for Meghan to delve into her relationship with , her interactions with the royal family, and her transition from actress to royalty.

As discussions surrounding Meghan's literary venture continue to gain momentum, the scrutiny and parody faced by the Sussexes persist.

The unfolding narrative underscores the complexities of their post-royal life and the challenges they encounter amid public scrutiny.

The evolving saga surrounding Meghan and Harry's endeavors serves as a focal point for ongoing debates on the intersection of celebrity, royalty, and personal narratives.

Stay tuned for further updates on the captivating world of royalty.

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