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Royal Mom Kate Middleton Keeps it Low-Key During School Runs

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Royal Mom Kate Middleton Keeps it Low-Key During School Runs

Royal duties don't stop the Princess of Wales, , from blending in during her children's school runs.

According to the Daily Express, Kate opts for an incognito look when dropping off and picking up Prince George, , and at Lambrook School.

Makeup-free and with her hair up in a ponytail, she either sports gym clothes or a casual dress paired with sneakers, showing up with minimal makeup and a quick apology for being late.

Despite her royal status and unique responsibilities, a friend reveals that Kate's approach to the school run reflects the life of a typical working mom with three young children.

The Daily Express notes that during George and Charlotte's attendance at St. Thomas's School in London, parents reportedly paid little attention to Kate during drop-off and pick-up times, as another mother seemed to steal the spotlight.

One parent shared with the Daily Mail that Kate often goes unnoticed during the school routine, as the presence of a Victoria's Secret model captures more attention from the fathers.

However, Kate's friend emphasizes her down-to-earth nature at home, where she prioritizes a relaxed and informal parenting style over formality.

Described as a chilled-out individual, Kate aims to maintain a normal and bustling family environment, ensuring her children remain grounded and connected to reality.

According to People magazine, Kate's friend highlights the absence of pretense in her household, emphasizing the importance of creating a down-to-earth atmosphere for her children.

The friend depicts a lively family setting where kids play freely, occasionally causing chaos by knocking things over.

In Kate's perspective, fostering a sense of normalcy and humility in her children's upbringing takes precedence over any royal airs and graces.

The Daily Express underscores Kate's understated approach to parenting, showcasing her commitment to providing a wholesome and authentic upbringing for her children.

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