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Royal Family’s Low-Key Getaway: Kate and Kids Fly Economy to Balmoral

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Royal Family’s Low-Key Getaway: Kate and Kids Fly Economy to Balmoral

In a refreshing twist for the British royal family, Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, recently took her three children on an economy flight to Scotland.

This choice, which would have seemed unimaginable just a generation ago, highlights a more relatable lifestyle for the modern royals.

The family made their way to Balmoral, where the Queen is spending her summer break at the royal estate in Aberdeenshire.

The Duchess, 40, was spotted disembarking from a budget flight with her two youngest children, , 7, and , 4.

Meanwhile, Prince George, 9, is believed to have traveled with his father, .

This family outing has sparked conversations about their down-to-earth approach to parenting amidst royal duties.

Royal expert Daniela Elser noted the significance of this moment, drawing parallels between the Cambridges and the late .

In her piece for the New Zealand Herald, Elser emphasized how Diana's influence paved the way for the current family dynamics.

She pointed out that this is not the first time the future Queen of Great Britain has been seen taking a budget flight with her children.

A short video clip, shared on TikTok, captured the family's arrival at Aberdeen Airport and quickly garnered 1.8 million views.

Despite being just a simple scene of people walking, it resonated with many viewers.

Kate, donning sunglasses and exuding holiday vibes, was seen holding Charlotte's hand while their longtime nanny, Maria Turian Borallo, trailed behind with .

What struck Elser was the low-key nature of the entire situation.

There were no extravagant displays or fuss from airport staff—just a family traveling together.

She remarked that this casual moment could only happen due to Diana's legacy, which has shaped the royal family into a more accessible version of itself.

As the anniversary of Diana's passing approaches, it's poignant to witness how her son and daughter-in-law are embracing a lifestyle that reflects her values.

Elser highlighted that the life the Cambridges lead today would have been unthinkable for royals just a generation ago.

A TikTok user who claimed to be on the same flight as the Duchess shared their experience, describing Kate as simply a mother taking her kids to visit their grandmother.

They detailed how Kate was seated just a couple of rows ahead, traveling with a light security presence and the children's nanny.

This user, known as Turbom1k3y, commented on Kate's approachable demeanor, noting how she even got up during the flight to retrieve her daughter's iPad.

The user also remarked on Kate's beauty and warmth, as she smiled and interacted with her son during the journey.

Interestingly, the user mentioned that despite the royal presence, no one on board felt compelled to take photos or videos.

Instead, it felt like a regular family trip, highlighting the normalcy that the Cambridges strive for in their lives.

This casual family getaway underscores a shift in royal traditions, moving towards a more relatable and grounded approach.

It seems that the royal family is keen on showing that they too enjoy simple pleasures, just like any other family.

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