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**Royal Family Website Changes Signal Distance from Harry and Meghan**

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**Royal Family Website Changes Signal Distance from Harry and Meghan**

Changes on the royal family website have raised eyebrows as it appears the institution is distancing itself from and .

The biographies of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been moved down the homepage, now appearing alongside other lesser-known royals such as the Duke of Kent and .

Notably, Harry's styling as his royal highness has been quietly removed from the site.

According to royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams, these alterations reflect a deliberate move by the royal family to distance themselves from the couple.

Fitzwilliams highlighted that the Sussexes now rank below other members like the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Alexandra on the website.

This shift is seen as a clear indication of the royal family's stance towards Harry and Meghan.

The decision for Harry and Meghan to step back from their senior royal roles was met with bitterness, as they were stripped of their working titles and patronages.

Despite retaining their titles, they were unable to use them effectively.

The couple's brand is intricately tied to their royal status, posing a challenge for them to establish themselves outside the royal family.

Speculation suggests that the Queen may have played a pivotal role in Harry and Meghan's departure, with claims that they were effectively fired due to breaching royal protocols.

It is rumored that Duchess Sophie holds key information about the reasons behind the couple's exit, information that confided in her trusted inner circle.

The Sussexes' attempt to carve out their own brand and profit from it, including trademarking merchandise, allegedly led to their dismissal by the late Queen.

Despite their efforts to control the narrative by announcing their step back from royal duties, the move did not shield them from repercussions.

Their selective approach to retaining aspects of their royal roles ultimately led to their dismissal.

The constitutional framework governing the royal family emphasizes principles such as refraining from personal profit through public service roles and maintaining political neutrality.

Harry and Meghan's perceived disregard for these rules reportedly contributed to their dismissal.

The late Queen's involvement in the decision-making process underscores the seriousness of their actions.

Meghan's transition into royal life appeared to embolden her, attracting attention from media giants and businesses eager to collaborate.

However, their attempts to navigate their roles independently were closely monitored by security personnel, highlighting the scrutiny faced by the couple.

The recent distancing of the royal family from Harry and Meghan signals a significant shift in their standing within the institution.

In a series of setbacks for the couple, they recently faced the loss of a lucrative Spotify deal and were labeled as “grifters” by a senior executive at the streaming platform.

Public sentiment towards Harry and Meghan has also experienced a notable decline in recent months, reflecting the challenges they continue to encounter.

The evolving dynamics within the royal family underscore the complexities of navigating personal aspirations within a centuries-old institution.

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