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Royal Family Nanny Spills the Tea on Harry and Meghan’s Parenting Style

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Royal Family Nanny Spills the Tea on Harry and Meghan’s Parenting Style

A former nanny who worked for a family closely associated with and has revealed some shocking insights into the couple's parenting style.

In a now-deleted post on Reddit, the nanny shared details about her experience working for a family that knows the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on a personal level.

According to the nanny, who was bound by non-disclosure agreements, and are extremely cautious when it comes to spending time with their children.

The nanny disclosed that whenever Markle is with the kids, she is never alone, and there is always a nanny on standby.

Interestingly, the nanny mentioned that Meghan seems to show more attention to their son, , while reportedly neglecting their daughter, , as she finds babies boring.

The nanny further revealed that Prince Harry tends to avoid interacting with the children as much as possible, finding it uncomfortable.

When the couple does spend time with the kids, it is not typical playtime but rather focused on teaching things beyond his age, such as the importance of good behavior.

The nanny suggested that the children are primarily raised by the nannies due to the couple's busy schedules and unique parenting demands.

The challenges faced by the nannies employed by Harry and Meghan were also highlighted in the post.

The nanny disclosed that it took a long time for the couple to find a nanny who could meet their stringent requirements, including long working hours, strict dietary restrictions, and unusual parenting rules.

Notably, the couple reportedly went through six nannies within Archie's first year alone.

Among the peculiar parenting rules discussed in the post were strict dietary guidelines, constant supervision to prevent any accidents, limitations on messy activities like art, and a ban on plastic or battery-operated toys.

The children were said to have limited exposure to outdoor activities, only leaving the grounds when accompanied by their parents.

The post sparked a debate among readers, with some expressing disbelief at the extreme parenting practices described.

One commenter raised concerns about the potential impact on the children's development and questioned the level of emotional support they receive.

Another reader speculated about the authenticity of the children, suggesting that Archie might have been born via a surrogate due to perceived inconsistencies in Meghan's pregnancy.

While opinions varied on the controversial parenting methods attributed to Harry and Meghan, the post shed light on the strict and unconventional upbringing of their children.

The revelations have fueled discussions about the responsibilities of public figures in raising their families and the boundaries between privacy and public scrutiny.

As the royal couple continues to navigate parenthood under the spotlight, their parenting choices are likely to remain a topic of interest and debate.

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