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Royal Family Insights: Queen Elizabeth II’s Beloved Grandchildren Revealed

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Royal Family Insights: Queen Elizabeth II’s Beloved Grandchildren Revealed

Lady Louise Windsor, aged 17, and James Viscount VII, aged 13, hold a special place in the heart of II as her favorite grandchildren.

Last summer, they had the honor of being the first royals to visit the Queen, who is 95 years old, along with at Balmoral after the lockdown restrictions were lifted.

Their parents, Sophie, Countess of Wessex, aged 56, and , aged 57, reside at Bagshot Park in Surrey, a stone's throw away from Windsor Castle.

This proximity has allowed them to spend quality time with both their grandparents over the years.

In a groundbreaking joint interview, the Earl and Countess of Wessex opened up about how they and their children have been coping in the aftermath of 's passing in April.

The Telegraph had the privilege of delving into the family dynamics, shedding light on their close bond with the Queen.

During the candid discussion, the Wessex family shared their grief with Telegraph royal editor Tominey, reminiscing about the late Duke of Edinburgh.

Sophie and Edward, regular visitors to Windsor Castle, often find themselves lingering longer than planned during their visits to the Queen at her rural royal residences.

This extended stay is seen as a testament to the Wessex family's favored status.

Sophie humorously mentioned, “The poor Queen has had to put up with us staying on much longer than anybody else in Scotland and Norfolk.”

The strong bond between Louise and her grandfather was evident, with Prince Philip passing down his passion for carriage driving to his granddaughter, who now finds solace in the sport following his demise.

The Queen's love for horses and the outdoors seems to have been inherited by both Louise and James, as they share similar interests.

Sophie revealed that during the challenging times of lockdown, the siblings sought refuge in the outdoors to ease tensions.

She mentioned, “If things were kicking off inside, right from the year dot, I'd say right, outside.”

The serene surroundings provided a sense of gratitude, reminding them of their privileged position compared to others facing more confined living situations.

A royal source disclosed the Queen's fondness for Louise and James, emphasizing the special connection she shares with Louise, who appears to be her favorite grandchild, closely followed by James.

Louise's caring nature was evident when she looked after William and Kate's children during their visits to Balmoral, engaging them in creative activities like drawing and sketching.

The Queen even allowed Louise access to Queen Victoria's Highlands sketches, a rare privilege showcasing her artistic talent.

Sophie and Edward made a deliberate choice to raise their children without the traditional HRH styles and Prince and Princess titles.

This decision grants Louise and James the autonomy to decide whether they wish to adopt these titles once they reach the age of 18, with Louise approaching this milestone in November.

The Wessex family's unique approach to parenting reflects their commitment to nurturing their children's individuality and independence within the royal context.

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