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**Royal Family Feud: Prince William Declares War on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle**

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**Royal Family Feud: Prince William Declares War on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle**

In the realm of royal drama, a storm is brewing as sets his sights on his brother, , and the controversial .

The latest bombshell revelation from the Dutch version of Omid Scobie's book, “Endgame,” has sent shockwaves through the monarchy.

Allegedly, two senior Royals, and , expressed concerns about the skin color of Harry and Meghan's son, .

Sources close to the royal camp have disclosed that is at his wit's end following this revelation.

A family friend revealed, “It's a bit of a final straw now.

Prince William has had enough.

It's about enough as a big brother can take.”

The drama has dragged into the fray, and tensions are running high within the royal family.

The roots of this conflict trace back to the explosive interview with in 2021, where allegations of racism first surfaced.

While the Sussexes refrained from naming names, Omid Scobie's book purportedly exposed the identities behind the concerns.

However, the plot thickens as the names were only present in the Dutch version and promptly removed from sale post-revelation.

Omid Scobie, the author in question, denies any involvement in the Dutch translation mishap, attributing the omission of names in the UK edition to legal constraints.

He asserts that the book, available in multiple languages, does not include the contentious names.

Interestingly, Meghan and Harry disavow any role in crafting “Endgame,” leaving a web of accusations, denials, and secrets in their wake.

The escalating tensions between the royal siblings and raise the crucial question: has Prince William initiated a war against his brother and sister-in-law?

With the intricate tapestry of royal intrigue unraveling before our eyes, only time will unveil the true endgame that may reshape the monarchy's future.

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