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Royal Family Faces Backlash Over Mother’s Day Photo Controversy

Photos: GETTY

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Royal Family Faces Backlash Over Mother’s Day Photo Controversy

In a surprising twist, royal fans are stirring the pot with wild claims about a Mother's Day photograph shared by Kensington Palace.

The image, which was meant to dispel bizarre conspiracy theories circulating on social media, has instead ignited a firestorm of speculation and doubt.

Now, calls are mounting for the palace to release the original photo after Princess Catherine issued an apology regarding inconsistencies in the image.

The controversy took a turn when it was revealed that the photo was saved twice using photo editing software on an Apple Mac.

The timestamps indicate that the first save occurred on Friday at 9:54 PM, followed by a second save on Saturday at 9:39 AM.

It remains unclear who made these saves or whether they were done on the same device.

In the midst of this, Catherine admitted that she was experimenting with editing, which only fueled the flames of speculation.

Sky News' data analysis uncovered details within the photo's metadata, but what exactly had been altered remains a mystery.

Following the uproar, the Princess of Wales publicly apologized for the discrepancies, but her explanation did little to quell the rampant conspiracy theories taking flight on social media.

One particularly outlandish theory emerged from TikTok user Alan Anstin, who suggested that the Mother's Day photo was manipulated from an event in November 2023.

This event featured Princess Catherine and her children visiting a baby bank, and Anstin claimed the photo wasn't taken recently at all.

Her argument hinged on the outfits worn by the royal family, despite clear evidence that the clothing did not match what they wore during the baby bank visit.

Speculation ran rampant as some viewers pointed out peculiarities in 's attire, including a missing part of her sleeve and the misalignment of her skirt.

As for Catherine's zip, it became another focal point for theorists.

Anstin did concede that Charlotte's skirt looked different, yet she dismissed this detail to bolster her theory that the photo was simply manipulated with Photoshop.

The TikTok clip has gone viral, amassing over four million views and generating tens of thousands of comments.

One user speculated that the palace's reluctance to share the original image stems from deeper issues than mere editing, hinting at backdating concerns.

Others chimed in, questioning the authenticity of the background, arguing that the UK landscape doesn't appear that vibrant and green in late winter.

Conversely, some commentators sought to dispel the swirling rumors, highlighting that William and Catherine have a history of releasing their own photographs—often taken by Kate—to mark special occasions like their children's birthdays.

However, the princess's admission regarding potential edits has raised questions about the extent of alterations in past images.

The palace is now under increasing pressure to address the fallout from this incident, which has been labeled damaging to public trust in the royal family.

Public relations expert Mark Borkowski described the situation as a fiasco, urging Kensington Palace to release the unedited photograph to restore credibility.

As the national news agency in the UK seeks urgent clarification from Kensington Palace regarding the Mother's Day photo, the palace has faced mounting scrutiny.

The image was initially released on Mother's Day, but concerns over its authenticity have prompted calls for transparency.

In a dramatic development, the Press Association reported that the image has now been withdrawn pending further clarification.

Despite the growing chorus of demands for the original photograph to be published, Kensington Palace has firmly stated that they will not be reissuing the unedited version of the photo featuring Kate and her children.

The saga continues, leaving royal watchers and fans alike eagerly awaiting the next chapter in this unfolding drama.

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