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**Royal Family Drama Unfolds: King’s Plan to Keep Meghan Away from Harry’s Children**

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**Royal Family Drama Unfolds: King’s Plan to Keep Meghan Away from Harry’s Children**

The separation of and seems to be on the horizon, with experts predicting an imminent collapse of their marriage.

Amidst this turmoil, is reportedly devising a plan to ensure that Meghan does not have access to Harry's children.

The 74-year-old monarch is allegedly strategizing to keep Meghan away from the kids, as rumors swirl that she may demand a staggering $80 million in child support.

However, before any decisions can be made, the palace must ascertain the true identity of these children.

As speculations about Meghan and Harry's separation intensify, the King appears to be proactive in safeguarding the well-being of his grandchildren.

Lady C recently shared insights in a video regarding the divorce proceedings involving Harry.

According to her, the King has been consulting with Parliament on matters related to the custody of the children in case of a potential divorce.

She hinted at the deteriorating state of Meghan and Harry's relationship, emphasizing the inevitability of its collapse.

Lady C shed light on the strained dynamics within the royal family, pointing out instances where Meghan's actions have caused rifts.

From disputes over the timing of book releases to controversies surrounding unauthorized filming, tensions have escalated.

Princess Eugene's disapproval of Harry and Meghan's actions, coupled with their strained relationships with key figures, further complicates the situation.

The lack of trust and cooperation from key family members is exacerbating the challenges faced by the embattled couple.

The looming specter of divorce looms large over Harry and Meghan, with external factors adding to the complexity of their predicament.

The King's consultations with Parliament underscore the gravity of the situation, particularly concerning the custody of the children.

Political sensitivities and the need to uphold the dignity of the royal family are paramount considerations in navigating this delicate issue.

The intricacies of the impending separation raise questions about the future of both Harry and Meghan within the royal fold.

Amidst the turmoil, reactions from insiders like Lady Victoria Hervey provide a glimpse into the skepticism surrounding Harry and Meghan's public image.

The release of a PR video by the Sussexes has been met with skepticism, with suggestions that it may be a strategic move to improve their tarnished reputation.

Speculations about the authenticity of their relationship and the challenges they face post-divorce continue to fuel speculation within royal circles.

The future for Harry and Meghan appears uncertain, with financial concerns and personal ambitions clouding their path forward.

As the saga unfolds, the couple's diverging trajectories – from potential social media influencer status for Meghan to a return to royal seclusion for Harry – paint a picture of a partnership on the brink of collapse.

The intricate web of relationships and power dynamics within the royal family casts a shadow of doubt over the fate of Harry and Meghan's union, leaving observers to ponder the twists and turns that lie ahead.

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