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Royal Family Buzz: Rishi Sunak’s Response to Piers Morgan’s Royal Family Inquiry

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Royal Family Buzz: Rishi Sunak’s Response to Piers Morgan’s Royal Family Inquiry

Piers Morgan, known for his candid nature, seized the opportunity to question Rishi Sunak about and during a recent TalkTV interview.

The spotlight was on Thursday evening as the Prime Minister found himself navigating through inquiries regarding the potential invitation of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to III's upcoming coronation.

In the midst of the hour-long TalkTV session, Piers Morgan prodded Rishi Sunak on whether III should extend an invite to and for the momentous event.

As the Prime Minister grappled with formulating a response, he carefully articulated, “I had a feeling you might ask me that.

You know I can't delve into discussions about the royal family.”

Despite refraining from delving into specifics, Sunak expressed his deep admiration for the monarchy, emphasizing the privilege he feels in engaging with the monarch and promoting the esteemed British institution globally.

“It's one of the proudest aspects of my role to travel the world and advocate for British institutions like the royal family,” Sunak remarked.

Acknowledging the widespread reverence for the royal family across the globe, Sunak lauded King Charles III's contributions, affirming, “King Charles does an incredible job.

We're fortunate to have him.”

With anticipation building for the forthcoming coronation, Sunak exuded confidence in a joyous and memorable event.

However, Piers Morgan, known for his unfiltered opinions on Harry and Meghan, playfully interjected, “You don't mind if you're next to Meghan and Harry.”

Sunak skillfully redirected the conversation, emphasizing his focus on ensuring a celebratory atmosphere for the country.

“What I'm concentrated on is ensuring a delightful experience for our nation, and I am confident that will be the case,” Sunak responded.

The highly-anticipated coronation of King Charles III is scheduled for May 6 at Westminster Abbey in London.

The grand ceremony will witness the crowning of King Charles alongside Queen Consort .

Notably, there have been reports indicating Harry's uncertainty regarding his attendance at the coronation, following the couple's decision to step back from their senior royal duties in 2020 and relocate to California.

As discussions surrounding the royal family continue to captivate audiences worldwide, the upcoming coronation stands as a pivotal moment in the monarchy's timeline.

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