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Royal Fallout: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Friendship with David and Victoria Beckham Hits Rock Bottom

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Royal Fallout: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Friendship with David and Victoria Beckham Hits Rock Bottom

and 's once-close ties with David and Victoria Beckham have hit a major roadblock after allegations emerged suggesting the Sussexes leaked stories about themselves.

The fallout has left the Beckhams reportedly furious and any hopes of reconciliation seem bleak.

The rift between the former royals and the celebrity couple appears to be irreparable, with sources indicating that the Beckhams have severed all connections with Harry and Meghan over the purportedly false leaked stories.

This development has left David Beckham particularly incensed at the Duke and Duchess.

Meghan, who had previously spoken openly about her bond with David and Victoria, now finds herself at odds with them, signaling a clear end to what was once considered a strong friendship circle for the Sussexes.

The term “being Markled” has been used to describe Meghan swiftly moving on from close relationships, hinting at the abrupt nature of the fallout.

According to reports from The Mail on Sunday, insiders revealed that David Beckham is deeply upset by the situation.

The Beckhams had been staunch supporters of Meghan and Harry, attending their wedding and offering unwavering support when Meghan first arrived in the UK.

However, the alleged betrayal seems to have shattered the camaraderie that once existed.

It was believed that the Duke and Duchess had forged a close bond with the Beckhams through mutual acquaintances.

Reports suggest that David's communications director shares a friendship with Marcus Anderson of Soho House, who played a role in setting up dates between Meghan and Harry.

Despite these connections, the chances of a reconciliation now appear slim.

Efforts to reach out to representatives for the Beckhams for comment by Daily Express US have so far been unsuccessful, leaving the situation unresolved.

Meghan's swift departure from the friendship, as highlighted in the newspaper, underscores the finality of the rift between the couples.

In another blow to the Sussexes, it was revealed that Harry and Meghan opted to skip the royal family's annual summer gathering, despite receiving an open invitation from .

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