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**Royal Expert Weighs In on Latest Meghan Markle Controversy**

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**Royal Expert Weighs In on Latest Meghan Markle Controversy**

Lady C recently stirred up controversy in her latest YouTube episode by hinting at explosive information she claims to possess about .

The socialite teased, “I know things about that would make your hair stand on end.

You think you know things, but you know very little.”

She ominously added, “There's an awful lot more to come out.”

Furthermore, Lady C raised eyebrows by suggesting that if rumors about the true parentage of the Harkles' children were to be proven, the repercussions would be severe.

She asserted, “It would be unsurvivable reputationally for them,” but refrained from delving deeper into the topic due to potential legal implications.

Questioning the dynamics of Harry and Meghan's relationship, Lady C provocatively asked, “Who says that Harry's wife has not already turned on Harry?”

She pointed out discrepancies in their public relations strategies, insinuating that Meghan may be subtly undermining Harry's image.

In a surprising turn of events, Valentin Lowe emerged as a key player in the ongoing saga, with Lady Colin Campbell expressing admiration for his exposé on Meghan's alleged mistreatment of palace staff.

Lady C commended Lowe for his thorough investigation, stating, “He's gone to the base of the iceberg, he's quoted chapter and verse.”

Moreover, Lady Colin Campbell hinted at potential palace involvement in supporting Lowe's revelations, suggesting a concerted effort to rein in Harry and Meghan's behavior.

She remarked, “And of course, let's not forget this has been done with the palace cooperation, so that Meghan and Harry will be firmly kept in their box.”

Praising for his role in advocating for mistreated staff members, Lady C lauded the future king for standing up against bullying within the royal household.

She expressed, “I think it's nice for because he was the one who was backing up his disadvantaged, bullied staff from the word go.”

Meanwhile, royal expert Duncan Larcombe likened Meghan Markle to a “minefield” in light of the mounting controversies surrounding the couple.

He remarked, “Meghan was more like a minefield than a ticking time bomb,” emphasizing the unpredictable nature of the situation.

In a surprising development, and Meghan Markle reportedly severed ties with their PR agency, Sunshine Sachs, citing a desire to reduce expenses.

A source close to the couple revealed, “They think that they don't need to pay big bucks for them anymore,” signaling a shift in their approach to public relations.

As tensions continue to simmer within royal circles, the spotlight remains firmly fixed on Harry and Meghan, with each new revelation fueling speculation and intrigue.

Lady C's cryptic revelations and the fallout from Valentin Lowe's exposé have added a fresh layer of complexity to the ongoing saga, leaving royal watchers eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this unfolding drama.

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