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Royal Drama Unveiled: Lady Colin Campbell Speaks Out Against Meghan Markle

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Royal Drama Unveiled: Lady Colin Campbell Speaks Out Against Meghan Markle

Lady Colin Campbell recently made headlines with her outspoken comments regarding 's alleged confusion over payment for royal duties.

According to Campbell, Markle seemed unaware that she was already compensated for her services during royal tours, as she received a substantial clothing allowance and other perks.

Campbell quipped, “Once a hustler, always a hustler,” insinuating that Markle failed to grasp the concept of being remunerated.

She emphasized that Markle's clothing allowance over two years exceeded that of all European queens, duchesses, and princesses combined.

Moreover, Campbell expressed skepticism about Valentin Lowe's book, “Extracts from the Courtiers,” which delves into the inner workings of the royal family.

She questioned Lowe's ability to publish such a book without prior consultation with the palace.

In a show of support for , Campbell commended his advocacy for disadvantaged staff within the royal household, suggesting that he has consistently championed their cause.

In a particularly scathing critique, Campbell accused Meghan of inappropriate behavior during the queen's funeral procession.

She lamented that while other members of the royal family appeared grief-stricken, Meghan allegedly engaged in posing for the cameras.

Campbell singled out Meghan as a “megalomaniac” who displayed self-absorption and insensitivity during a solemn occasion.

She contrasted Meghan's demeanor with Sophie Wessex's stoic expression, highlighting what she perceived as a stark difference in behavior.

Lowe's book further alleges that Meghan struggled to comprehend the purpose of royal walkabouts, where she interacted with the public.

Despite enjoying the attention, Meghan reportedly questioned why she was not being compensated for these engagements, indicating a lack of understanding or appreciation for the role.

The author also claimed that offered support to a female royal aide who had faced mistreatment from Meghan, earning praise from Campbell for his compassionate gesture.

Additionally, revelations from the book portray Meghan and Harry as contentious figures within the royal household, with staff members forming a group dubbed the “Sussex Survivors Club” after the couple's departure.

Described as a “narcissistic sociopath,” Meghan is depicted as manipulative and self-serving, with former aides feeling deceived by her actions.

The book suggests that Meghan sought to portray herself as a victim of institutional failure, raising doubts about her true intentions and motivations.

Furthermore, the book highlights instances where Meghan reportedly sought redress through HR channels within the royal establishment, despite the unconventional nature of such complaints.

Staff members viewed her actions as strategic, aimed at building a case against the institution rather than seeking genuine resolution.

The book paints a picture of discord and disillusionment among royal aides, who felt betrayed by Meghan's shifting priorities and perceived lack of empathy.

Ultimately, the unfolding saga between and the royal family continues to captivate audiences, shedding light on the complexities and tensions within the monarchy.

Lady Colin Campbell's candid remarks offer a glimpse into the internal dynamics and interpersonal conflicts that have come to define this modern royal narrative.

As the public grapples with these revelations, the enduring legacy of the British monarchy faces new challenges and scrutiny in the wake of these revelations.

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