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Royal Drama Unfolds: Prince Harry’s Diplomatic Immunity Revoked by King’s Order

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Royal Drama Unfolds: Prince Harry’s Diplomatic Immunity Revoked by King’s Order

His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, Duke Edward, carried out a significant task under the directive of by collaborating with the British Embassy in the United States to annul 's diplomatic immunity.

The event took place on April 22nd, 2023, when Duke Edward paid a visit to the British Embassy in Washington DC to commemorate Earth Day.

During his visit, he planted a Japanese cherry tree outside the embassy gates, adjacent to the statue of Winston Churchill, adding to the collection of trees planted by three generations of the royal family.

The purpose of 's visit extended beyond Earth Day celebrations, as it was also aimed at addressing 's diplomatic immunity status following ' decree.

A source disclosed that Prince Harry is set to lose his diplomatic immunity as part of King Charles' initiative to streamline the monarchy.

The British Embassy in the US will collaborate with the US State Department in this process, although the insider has yet to confirm this information.

Harry's diplomatic immunity serves as a shield in the event of any potential divorce proceedings initiated by .

Despite the mystery surrounding Harry's stay in the US without permanent citizenship, it is speculated that his royal status enables him to hold an A1 visa typically designated for diplomats and government officials.

This diplomatic passport ensures that any divorce proceedings would be halted by the US State Department if Meghan were to file them, as she can only legally divorce Harry in London where diplomatic immunity does not apply.

As the ambassador oversees the operations of the embassy and its consulates, their responsibilities include advocating UK policies to the American government and citizens, conveying and interpreting American policies to the UK government in London, promoting UK interests, managing press and cultural relations, and providing consular services.

With King Charles' impending coronation and 's recent elevation to the Duke of Edinburgh title, he was expected to play a vital role alongside five other senior male members of the royal family.

However, recent reports indicate that only the Prince of Wales will fulfill this duty, with Prince Harry excluded from the coronation proceedings.

In a departure from tradition, King Charles has decided to eliminate the custom of royal dukes kneeling and paying homage during the coronation ceremony, with only slated to undertake this role.

Consequently, there appears to be no defined role for Prince Harry in the upcoming service.

Meanwhile, in a separate development, His Royal Highness Prince Edward, the Duke of Edinburgh, inaugurated the Viva Theatre in Soham during a royal visit to East Cambridgeshire on April 12th.

Viva Theatre, founded in 1997 by Soham resident Daniel Schuman, initially operated as a small youth theatre managed by volunteers.

Over the years, Viva expanded its scope and hosted various productions in different venues across East Cambridgeshire.

Following the acquisition of the former mill building in 2018, Viva undertook extensive renovations, raising over £3 million to revitalize the structure and transform it into a vibrant community asset.

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