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Royal Drama Unfolds: Prince Harry Left Out of Queen’s Moving COP26 Speech

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Royal Drama Unfolds: Prince Harry Left Out of Queen’s Moving COP26 Speech

may be feeling snubbed after being left out of the Queen's powerful speech at COP26, as she praised and lauded Prince Charles and for their efforts in continuing her late husband's environmental work.

In a poignant address to world leaders regarding the climate crisis, Her Majesty highlighted the legacy of and commended the dedication of Prince Charles and to safeguarding the planet for future generations.

Acknowledging her advancing age, the Queen emphasized the importance of taking action for the sake of our children and grandchildren, as well as for those who will inherit the Earth.

Despite not explicitly mentioning , the Queen's message resonated with a sense of duty towards preserving the environment for future generations.

Angela Levin, Harry's biographer, suggested that the Prince might feel overlooked, given his absence from the climate change discourse he is passionate about.

She noted his complex position of striving for independence while remaining connected to his family, whom he has publicly criticized.

Levin highlighted the challenges Harry faces in navigating his role within the royal family and pursuing his personal endeavors.

The Queen's pre-recorded speech, delivered due to health reasons, expressed pride in both Charles and William for their environmental advocacy.

Miss Levin defended the Queen's decision not to mention Harry, citing his departure from official royal duties and pursuit of his own path alongside .

She asserted that Harry's actions are now independent of the royal family's responsibilities.

Criticism has been directed at Harry and Meghan for advocating green living while utilizing private jets for travel.

Concerns for the Queen's health prompted Harry's reported plans to return to the UK with his daughter to visit her namesake.

Reports indicate his anxiety over the Queen's hospitalization and his desire to ensure her well-being despite the physical distance.

As speculations circulate about Harry's response to the Queen's health scare, Miss Levin hinted at the possibility of his return to the UK if his concerns intensify.

The absence of restrictions on his travel may facilitate a reunion with his British family amid ongoing tensions stemming from his and Meghan's public statements and lifestyle choices.

While the Queen's public endorsement of Charles and William reinforced their commitment to environmental causes, Prince Harry's exclusion from recent acknowledgments underscores the strained dynamics within the royal family.

As Harry and Meghan advocate for climate action, their own environmental practices have faced scrutiny, including their use of private jets and investment decisions in oil and gas industries.

Amidst the royal drama and diverging priorities, Prince Harry's position outside the spotlight of the Queen's commendations raises questions about his evolving role within the royal family and his pursuit of independent initiatives alongside Meghan.

As global leaders convene at COP26 to address pressing environmental challenges, the royal family's dynamics and public engagements continue to attract attention and speculation.

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