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**Royal Drama Unfolds: Meghan and Harry’s Alleged Birthday Call to King Charles Exposed**

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**Royal Drama Unfolds: Meghan and Harry’s Alleged Birthday Call to King Charles Exposed**

Yesterday, rumors circulating about Harry and Meghan reaching out to on his birthday have been dismissed by the palace.

An insider today disclosed that Meghan shared details with Telegraph journalist Victoria Ward, who is purportedly a trusted confidante.

Despite being caught in the act, Meghan persisted in divulging more fabricated information.

The Sussexes' representative stated that Prince and Princess conveyed their heartfelt birthday wishes to their grandfather, , on his 75th birthday via a pre-recorded video message.

According to a reliable source, the children sent a touching message overseas, serenading the King with a rendition of “Happy Birthday,” despite their limited interactions with him.

The audacity of concocting elaborate scenarios, including a supposed video of the children singing birthday greetings, is truly bewildering.

The intricate details woven into their deceptive narrative are staggering.

Moreover, considering that the young ones are unfamiliar with King Charles, the entire charade appears far-fetched.

The absence of tangible evidence, such as videos featuring and , casts doubt on the authenticity of the claims.

The evident desperation in their public relations efforts is becoming increasingly pitiful.

Without concrete proof, such assertions by the Sussexes seem hollow, adding to the growing skepticism surrounding their actions.

The notion of forging connections with the royal family through contrived gestures seems forced and artificial.

The purported video message bears semblance to someone unfamiliar with parenting dynamics.

The suggestion of utilizing digital platforms like WhatsApp for sharing pictures or engaging in direct communication appears more practical than the alleged grand gestures.

A royal insider closely associated with Buckingham Palace has refuted the existence of any birthday phone call between the King and the Sussexes, let alone a video message from the elusive children.

Reports from the BBC earlier this week hinted at intending to contact King Charles on his special day.

Sources hint that the origin of this story traces back to individuals affiliated with Camp Sussex, likely attempting damage control following their exclusion from the King's birthday festivities.

The revelation of a supposed phone call came as a surprise, indicating a last-ditch effort to salvage their reputation.

However, logistical constraints during the King's busy birthday celebrations cast doubt on the feasibility of such a call taking place.

Contrary to the circulated claims, the King's packed schedule left no room for any private conversations or video exchanges.

Insights from separate sources suggest that while the King acknowledged Harry's attempted call, he deliberately avoided answering, signaling a strained relationship.

Speculations arise regarding Harry's motives, with suspicions of preemptive damage control ahead of potential revelations in Omid Scobie's upcoming book.

Meghan's recent activities, characterized by disparaging remarks against the royal family, indicate a calculated strategy to maintain her standing as a Duchess, even at the expense of tarnishing the British royals' image.

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